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摘 要 摘 要 在汉语修辞中 夸张是一种运用相当广泛的辞格 它有悠久的历史和深厚的 文化根基 但是目前学术界对夸张辞格的研究还很薄弱 所以把它作为论文的研 究对象具有重要的意义 论文在吸取前人的研究经验和分析大量夸张修辞文本的 基础上 对夸张辞格做了全新的审视 理清了夸张称谓的脉落并重新对夸张下了 定义 这将有助于改进以往夸张定义中的不足 对夸张的语言文字基础 心理基 础 美学基础做了全面的论述 针对目前学术界对夸张结构研究的不足 论文着 重分析了夸张的结构特点 将夸张的结构分为夸张对象 夸张形象和夸张点三部 分 然后根据这一理论又进一步理顺了夸张的分类 解决了前人分类中存在的问 题 最后 论文就夸张的功用和运用的原则做了详尽的论述 关键词 夸张 夸张对象 夸张形象 夸张点 I Abstract Abstract In Chinese rhetoric, hyperbole is usually used. It has a long history and a deep cultural root. So it is important to study it. But at present, the research of hyperbole is not enough in the literary field. Based on the former experience and analysis of many hyperbole texts. We have a new view on hyperbole: make the name of hyperbole in the history clear and then define the hyperbole anew. It will help people to eliminate the misunderstanding of the definition of hyperbole; have a general discussion on the language, psychology and art; because we do not do very well on the study of the structure of hyperbole in the literary field, We put the emphasis on analysis of the structure of hyperbole, the structure of hyperbole has three parts: hyperbole objective, hyperbole image, hyperbole point, according to the structure of hyperbole, We make the classification of hyperbole more clear, and it will solve the problems, which existed in the former classification; at last, We have a specific argument on the function and the use of hyperbole. Key words: hyperbole; hyperbole objective; hyperbole image; hyperbole point II 夸张辞格研究 前 言 一 研究目的及意义


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