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eg:1.My aim is to go to school. 2.To go to college is my aim. 3.This problem remains to be solved. * 3.作定语:①n.+to do表将要发生的动作。 eg:1.I have a lot of work to do tonight. 2.Give me something to drink. 3.I have a letter to post. ②表示某人是第几位做某事 the + 序数词+to do eg:1.He is the first person to finish the job. 2.He is always the first to come and the last to leave. * ③不定式与所修饰的词有动宾关系,但不定式动词又为不及物动词时,后面需加上相应的介词。但如果中心名词是place、time、way时,介词可省略。 eg:1.There’s nothing to worry____. 2.I have no chair to sit____. 3.They found a house to live____. 4.They have no difficulty finding a place to live___. * 4.作宾语:①动词:want to /plan to / hope . eg:I want to eat an apple. ②would like/would love/want/plan/hope/mean/expect/intend to have done表示未曾实现的打算、希望、意图等。 eg:1.I meant to have seen the film but I had a lot of work to do. 2.We would like to have watched TV,but there was no electricity. * ③动词不定式做介词(but,except)宾语时,当在but或except前有实义动词do时,其后的动词不定式符号to可省。 eg:1.We had no choice but___(study) abroad. 2.He wanted nothing but___(buy) a ball. 3.He did nothing but ___(return) home. 4.They could do nothing but__(wait)for letter to come. * ④make/feel/find/think/suppose/consider/believe +it +adj./n.+that…/to do… eg:1.Most of the students think it difficult to learn English well. 2.He makes it a rule to go to school early. * 5.作宾语补足语:动词+sb+to do sth want/expect/allow/permit sb to do sth 6.作状语:①作目的状语 (not)to do/in order (not) to do/ so as (not) to do《用于句中》 eg:1.I got up early not to/in order not to/so as not to miss the train. 2.He went home to see his parents. * ②作原因状语:用于表示情感、情绪等词之后。 eg:1.I’m sorry to hear that. 2.She was pleased to be given the job. ③程度状语:常用于表示程度的形容词后(difficult/heavy/easy/hot) eg:1.The soup is hot to drink. 2.The box is heavy to lift. * ④结果状语 A.如此…以至于 so/such…as to=so/such…that so+adj./adv. that=so+adj./adv+as to do such+n.+that=such+n.+as to do so+adj.+a/an+n.+that=so+adj.+a/an+n.+as to do such+a/an+adj.+n.+that=such+a/an+adj.+n.+as to do 如果所修饰的词是many/few/much/little时,一定用so. * eg:1.He was


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