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四川师范大学本科毕业论文 试论《聊斋志异》中的鬼狐形象 学生姓名 xxx 院系名称 文学院 专业名称 汉语言文学 班 级 2005级 1 班 学 号 2005011037 指导教师 xx 完成时间 2009年 4月 20 日 试论《聊斋志异》中的鬼狐形象 中文摘要:蒲松龄所作的《聊斋志异》是一部极富想象力的文言短篇小说集,被称为我国文言短篇小说的最后一个高峰。在这部小说集中,蒲松龄为我们塑造了许多鬼魅狐妖形象。这些形象具有两方面的特点:一是虚幻与现实的完美结合,即这些幻想中的形象是根植于现实生活的,在他们身上既有作者虚构的要素,又有现实生活中人们的影子。二是物性与人性的统一,即这些鬼狐在奇幻的外表下都裹藏着一颗常人之心,他们或多或少都还保留着一些幻化为人形之前的特点,同时他们又有着类似常人的性情姿态和思维逻辑。蒲松龄塑造这些鬼狐形象的意义有三个方面:一是借鬼狐之事表现社会现实,蒲松龄一方面借鬼狐之事来表现封建社会中官场的黑暗;另一方面也借鬼狐之说记录下许多重要的历史真实。二是慰藉心灵,蒲松龄自幼聪明过人,读书过目不忘,一生热衷科举却屡不得志,这使他的精神处于严重的困顿之中,蒲松龄将自己的理想寄托于鬼狐身上,以慰藉自己困顿已久的心灵。三是寄托思想情感,蒲松龄在这些鬼狐身上寄托着自己追求善良人性、追求自由爱情、追求自由婚姻的思想情感。穿梭于这些形态各异、生动灵活的鬼狐形象之间,让我们不得不感叹蒲松龄刻画人物的能力和丰富的想象力。 关键字 聊斋志异 鬼狐形象 特点 意义 On Strange Stories in the image of the ghost fox Abstract:Pu Song-lings Strange Stories is a very rich imagination of the classical collection of short stories, short stories, known as the literary style of our country the last peak. Concentrated in the novel, SongLing for shaping our image of a lot of ghosts. These images have two characteristics: first, illusory and the reality of the perfect combination, that is, the image of these myths are rooted in real life, and in them the elements of both fiction author as well as in real life the shadow of people. Two properties are uniform and human nature, that is, these ghost Foxs appearance in the fantasy are wrapped under the hidden heart of a people, they are still a number of more or less turned into human characteristics before and at the same time they are ordinary people with similar attitude and the temperament logic. Pu shape the image of the meaning of fox ghost has three aspects: First, the matter of fox ghost by the performance of social reality, fox ghost by Pu Song-ling on the one hand, to express the matter in official circles of the society of feudal darkness; borrow on the other hand, the ghost fox Say recorded much of the history of the real important. Comfort are two souls, Pu was very clever at an early age, did not forget


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