第二讲 摘要写作PPT.ppt

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第二讲 摘要写作PPT

半夏的缓慢生长法保存及体细胞遗传变异的ISSR检测 Slow Growth Conservation of Pinellia ternate and its Somaclonal Variation as Detected by ISSR Markers Effects of the various/diverse/different concentrations of either mannitol, PP333, or ABA on slow growth of in vitro Pinellia ternate were investigated, and the somaclonal variation was further assessed/detected using ISSR marker in the current work. 本文以半夏试管苗为材料,探讨了不同浓度的甘露醇、PP333和ABA对半夏延缓生长的保存效应,并采用ISSR标记对保存材料后代再生植株的体细胞遗传变异进行了检测。 结果表明,三种物质均能有效抑制半夏试管苗的生长,保存10M而不继代,存活率高; The results showed that the tested chemicals could effectively inhibit the growth of in vitro Pinellia ternate, and the cultures might be conserved for 10 months without transfer with a high survival rate. Compared with the normal subculturing plantlet/control, the morphological traits, as well as proliferation and rooting ability of regeneration plant were not significantly different. The optimal concentration of mannitol, PP333 and ABA were 2%-4%, 2.0 mg.L-1 and 2.0 - 4.0 mg.L-1, respectively, for long-time preservation of Pinellia ternate. 与正常继代试管苗相比,再生植株的形态、增殖倍数和生根能力没有显著差异,最佳浓度分别为甘露醇2%-4%, 2.0 mg·L-1 PP333 , 2.0 - 4.0mg·L-1 ABA 。 As detected by ISSR molecular, no polymorphic/aberrant marker was scored/ observed/investigated/ obtained from the regenerated plantlets conserved on medium with the addition of 2% mannitol and 2.0 mg.L-1 PP333. 在添加了2%-4%甘露醇或2.0 mg?L-1PP333的培养基上,保存植株经ISSR分子检测,未检测到变异; However/Conversely, a new marker and a absent mark were observed from that conserved on medium supplemented with 2.0 mg.L-1 ABA, and the locus or individual variation rate was 1.6% or 30%, respectively. 而保存在添加了2.0 - 4.0mg?L-1ABA培养基上的植株,共出现了1条新增标记,1条缺失标记,位点变异率为1.6%,个体变异率为30%。 * * Institute of Agro-Bioengineering, Guizhou University Xiaopeng Wen xpwensc@ Tel: 0851-8298514,Chapter 2: Title and Abstract 科技论文的结构 一般来说,科技论文应具备3个特点:准确、客观、逻辑性强。 论述时应做到概念准确、结论明确、推理合乎逻辑,同时应保证科学的严密性。 1. Title 标题不宜太长,应点名主题、提纲洁领、简明扼要、严谨规范,使人一目了然。 论文的标题多为名词短语,或为一句话,要尽量避免使用从句、不定式短语、介词短语。


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