牛津小学英语4A unit1 May I have... 第一单元公开课 课件教案 .ppt

牛津小学英语4A unit1 May I have... 第一单元公开课 课件教案 .ppt

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牛津小学英语4A unit1 May I have... 第一单元公开课 课件教案

Unit 1 (A、B) May I have … ? Are you happy in summer holiday? What do you do in summer holiday? What do you have for new term? I have a new … May … ? May I have a …? May I have a … for …? Sure , here you are. Let’s learn the text. Watch cartoon , and answer the following questions. Who? Where? Let’s learn the text. 2. Read the text, understand the meaning of “The … is for …” “for” 是“给”的意思,能尝试造句吗? Let’s learn the text. 3. Read the text, and underline the key phrases. 这支圆珠笔_____________ 那支铅笔_______________ 给你___________________ 进来___________________ 在铅笔袋里______________ 三个书签________________ 那本笔记本______________ Let’s learn the text. 4.Try to recite the text. 5. Let’s act. Homework: 1、 Listen to the tape and repeat for three times.(听录音跟读三遍) 2 、Recite the text.(背诵课文) pen pencil pencil box ball pen pencil case cake skate name book book mark note book picture book story book copy book car star far story socks box home go so book book mark note book picture book story book copy book We should cherish our stationeries, they are our friends. 爱护我们的文具。 May I have a … for …? May I have a … for +人? Let’s practice!我们一起 来练练! for 给 1 当你想问某人索要某个物品的时候,你可以说: 2 当你要帮别人索要某个物品的时候,你可以说: 对方可以这样回答: 3 当你把某个物品交给对方的时候,你可以说: 4 千万别忘了这些礼貌用语哦: May I have…? May I have …for …? Sure. Here you are./ All right./ OK./ No, sorry. This … is for you. May I come in. Come in, please. Thank you. Goobye. …. 学习目标: 1、三会I’m Ben. I’m new here. Welcome to our school.能熟练朗读课文并能表演课文。 2、阅读G部分的Look and read了解其中的幽默之处。 自学要求: 1.找出自己不会读的单词和句型,同桌互相学习。 2.将课文翻译写下来(不知道的单词查书后单词表)。 魔力眼 Home work 1、背诵并表演课文。 2、用Who’s that…? He’s/She’s… Who’s that…? He’s/She’s a… Excuse me,are you a …? Yes,I am./No,I’m not. 各造两个句子。



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