Emissions Inventory Seminar Criteria Air Pollutants[排放清单研讨会标准空气污染物](-36).ppt

Emissions Inventory Seminar Criteria Air Pollutants[排放清单研讨会标准空气污染物](-36).ppt

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Emissions Inventory Seminar Criteria Air Pollutants[排放清单研讨会标准空气污染物](-36)

EIS and TEDI The emission point IDs (NEDS points) between EIS and TEDI must represent the same physical emission point in both inventories. The toxic VOC reported on the EI Certification Statement should equal (within rounding error) the toxic VOC total reported to TEDI. * Optional Reporting Greenhouse Gases SAROAD Codes: Carbon dioxide = 42102 Methane = 43201 Crosswalk of Permit Point ID to EI/TEDI NEDS Point ID * Submitting the Data 2004 inventory- due on March 31, 2005 Save updated file with extension .04d Change of ownerships: Multiple CS’s acceptable Only one electronic data file Electronic data can be mailed or e-mailed. Certification Statements with original signature must be mailed or delivered to: * Address all USPS Mail to: LDEQ/OEA/AQAD – 6th Floor Emissions Inventory Unit P. O. Box 4314 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4314 * Resources EPA Chief - offers a variety of software and other resources useful in calculating the inventory /ttn/chief/index.html LDEQ - / EIU – /evaluation/eis/index.htm * QUESTIONS ANSWERS * * * NA and Adjoining parish thresholds will apply until further notice under the authority of LAC 33:III.919.B.4. * Company/facility name and contact name – ESPECIALLY if it has changed!! Preferably the person who prepared the data file. * Emergency Rule AQ240E1, effective December 28, 2004, emissions increases due solely to a change in AP-42 emission factors do not constitute violations of the air permit. Changes in emission factors other than AP-42 factors will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. * Emergency Rule AQ240E1, effective December 28, 2004, emissions increases due solely to a change in AP-42 emission factors do not constitute violations of the air permit. Changes in emission factors other than AP-42 factors will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. New HRVOC for this year – Toluene Xylenes, isomers * Emergency Rule AQ240E1, effective December 28, 2004, emissions increases due solely to a change in AP-42 emission factors



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