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第一集 We are now arriving in Taipei, Taiwan. 我们现在已经抵达了台湾的台北 Purpose of your visit? 来访目的 Oh, its a long story. 噢,说来话长啊 Basically, Ive come to reconcile with my brother. 简单来说我是来和我弟弟和好的 See, our father could only send one of us to America, 我爸爸当年只能在我们俩当中选一个送去美国 and it was me. 而我就是被挑中的那个 But Gene said he was over it when he came to Orlando, 但是金恩来奥尔兰多时,说他已经既往不咎了 and asked me to be best man at his wedding. 并且邀请了我作为他的伴郎 Turns out, he wasnt over it, we got into a big fight, 但是事实证明他才没有放下过去,我们大打出手 and he left me a note disinviting me, 然后他给我留了一张纸条说取消邀请我去他的婚礼 and stole our mother in the middle of the night instead. 然后半夜把我妈给拐走了 So even though I am not the one at fault, 即使我不是那个做错的人 Ive come to set an example for my boys 我还是来了,为了给我儿子们做个好榜样 and show them Im the bigger man by burying the hatchet. 告诉他们我才是那个宽容大度的人 Ill just write down youre visiting relatives. 我就写探望亲戚吧 Im here on business. 我是因为公事来的 I need to get $200 back 我要拿回我 from my brother-in-law who wronged me. 小叔子骗走的两百刀 Great. We can just check that box. 很好,直接勾选那一栏就行了 You have a box for that? 你们还为这个专门设了一栏 Im home. 我到家了 Man, its hot. Like a wet hot. 热死了,湿热湿热的 Like the bathroom after Grandma takes a shower. 就像是奶奶洗完澡的浴室 I regret wearing jean shorts. 我都后悔穿了短裤 Thick... its a thick fabric. 就像是穿了很厚的针织衫一样 Jessica, your suitcase is so light. 杰西卡,你的箱子好轻啊 Thats because its empty. Im buying everything 因为它就是空的呀,我要在夜市里 we need for the year at the night market... 买到一整年所需要的东西 Back-to-school clothes, Christmas presents. 回校穿的衣服,圣诞节礼物 I packed only the essentials. 我就打包了必需品 Evan, you dont need that. 埃文,你不需要这个 According to these pamphlets, I do. 小册子上写了我需要 I went to our local AAA. 我去了当地的亚洲友谊协会 These are things every tourist should know 这些是来台湾旅游的每个游客 when visiting Taiwan. 都该知道的 Youre a member of AAA? 你加入了亚洲友谊协会 I dont understand the question. 怎么了 Youre not tourists. Youre home. 你不是游客,这是你家 But weve never been here. 但是我们从来没来过这儿 Doesnt matter. This is still your home. 那有什么关系,这里依旧是你家 Im so excited, I didnt sleep at all on the plane. 我太激动了,飞机上都没睡着 Ive got some



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