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恋爱假期 The Holiday 中英文剧本 I have found almost everything ever written about love... ...to be true. 没一件是真的 Shakespeare said, Journeys end in lovers meeting. 莎士比亚说过 “旅程会因恋人聚首而结束” What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that... 我本人就从来没有 体验过这种经历 ...but Im more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. 莎士比亚曾经有过 I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. Im constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. 我经常被爱情那足以改变 和定义生活的魔力所征服 It was Shakespeare who also said, Love is blind. “爱情是盲目的” Now, that is something I know to be true. 片名:恋爱假期 For some, quite inexplicably... 对一些人来说 ...love fades. 爱情会莫名的消失 For others... 对另一些人来说 ...love is simply lost. 爱情再也找不回来了 But then, of course, love can also be found. 不过,爱情也会悄然而至… Even if just for the night. …就算只逗留了一晚上 And then there another kind of love. 然而还有一种爱情 The cruelest kind. 最残忍的一种 The one that almost kills its victims. 一种足以置人于死地的爱情 It called unrequited love. 它叫做“单相思” Of that, I am an expert. 我就是这方面的专家 Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. 多数的爱情故事是 述说二人两情相悦 But what about the rest of us? What about our stories? 谁来述说我们的故事? Those of us who fall in love alone. We are the victims of the one-sided affair. 是爱情的牺牲品 We are the cursed of the loved ones. 是被诅咒的情人 We are the unloved ones. The walking wounded. 我们是爱情绝缘体 一群失魂的野鬼 The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space. Yes, you are looking at one such individual. 是的 你面前的我就是其中一个 And I have willingly loved... ...that man for over three miserable years. 长达三年之久 The absolute worst years of my life. 这是我人生中最悲惨的岁月 The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays. 悲惨的圣诞节,悲惨的生日 New Year Eves brought in by tears and Valium. 除夕夜却与 眼泪和“安定药”相伴 These years Ive been in love have been the darkest days of my life... 也坠入深渊 ...all because Im cursed by being in love with a man who does not... ...and will no


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