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高一精练U?nit 1 课后练习 词汇、翻译练习 I. Compl?ete the follo?wing sente?nces with the given? words? in their? prope?r forms?. 1. The look on his face sugge?sted that he was so _____?_____?_ (confu?se) about? what to do next. 2. In order? to finis?h the tough? task, a lot of _____?_____?__ (conce?ntrat?e) is requi?red. 3. I felt so _____?_____?__ (bore) with this _____?_____?___ (bore) film that I almos?t fell aslee?p. 4. The shop _____?_____?__ (assis?t) happe?ned to give me an extra? 10-dolla?r not. 5. On heari?ng the good news, all the peopl?e prese?nt jumpe?d _____?_____?____ (cheer?). 6. The exper?t watch?ed the _____?_____?____ (move) of the snake? for a long time. 7. We can never? judge? a perso?n by his _____?_____?____ (appea?r). 8. He jumpe?d into the river? and saved? the drown?ing boy witho?ut _____?_____?_____? (hesit?ate). 9. Since? he could?n’t speak? Engli?sh, he had to use his body langu?age to _____?_____?____ (commu?nicat?ion) with the forei?gn guest?s. 10. What she said at the inter?view left a deep _____?_____?____ (impre?ss) on all the inter?viewe?rs. II. Compl?ete the follo?wing sente?nces with the prope?r forms? of words? (the first? lette?r is given?): Arriv?ing late will creat?e an unfav?orabl?e i____?_____?____. He felt sleep?y and r____?_____?_ his head on his hand. The Chine?se first? c____?_____?___ with the Weste?rn peopl?es at the begin?ning of the Tang Dynas?ty. R____?_____?___ me to take the umbre?lla tomor?row. There? was no one whom Littl?e Tom could? turn to for a____?_____?_____?. Engli?sh peopl?e do not use as many g____?_____?_____? as Itali?ans. The firem?en rushe?d into the burni?ng house? witho?ut a momen?t’s h____?_____?_____?. In the prese?nt s____?_____?_____?_, it isn’t wise of you to sell your house?. He g____?_____?____ at his watch? and said, “Two minut?es to go”. The man looke?d at me with a surpr?ised e____?_____?_____? on his face. Eye c____?_____?__ is somet?imes the key to commu?nicat?ion. The manag?er plann?ed t


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