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大学英语六?级阅读难点?关键句14?0句 1. Weari?ng a seat belt saves? lives?; it reduc?es your chanc?e of death? or serio?us injur?y by more than half.
2. But it will be the drive?rs respo?nsibi?lity to make sure that child?ren under? 14 do not ride in the front? unles?s they are weari?ng a seat belt of some kind.
3. Howev?er, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are rever?sing your vehic?le; or you are makin?g a local? deliv?ery or colle?ction? using? a speci?al vehic?le; or if you have a valid? medic?al certi?ficat?e which? excus?es you from weari?ng it.
4. Remem?ber you may be taken? to court? for not doing? so, and you may be fined? if you canno?t prove? to the court? that you have been excus?ed from weari?ng it.
5. Profe?ssor Taiju? Matsu?zawa wante?d to find out why other?wise healt?hy farme?rs in north?ern Japan? appea?red to be losin?g their? abili?ty to think? and reaso?n at a relat?ively? early? age, and how the proce?ss of agein?g could? he slowe?d down.
6. With a team of colle?agues? at Tokyo? Natio?nal Unive?rsity?, he set about? measu?ring brain? volum?es of a thous?and peopl?e of diffe?rent ages and varyi?ng occup?ation?s.
7. Compu?ter techn?ology? enabl?ed the resea?rcher?s to obtai?n preci?se measu?remen?ts of the volum?e of the front? and side secti?ons of the brain?, which? relat?e to intel?lect (智能) and emoti?on, and deter?mine the human? chara?cter.
8. Contr?actio?n of front? and side parts? as cells? die off was obser?ved in some subje?cts in their? thirt?ies, but it was still? not evide?nt in some sixty? and seven?ty-year-olds.
9. The findi?ngs show in gener?al terms? that contr?actio?n of the brain? begin?s soone?r in peopl?e in the count?ry than in the towns?.
10. White? colla?r worke?rs doing? routi?ne work in gover?nment? offic?es are, howev?er, as likel?y to have shrin?king brain?s as the farm worke?r, bus drive?r and shop assis?tant.
11. We know that you have a high opini?on of the kind of learn?ing taugh?t in your colle?ges, an
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