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Competency Based Interviewing 行为能力面试技巧 Phase One Domestics 培训安排 Fire Regulations 防火条例 Food 食品 Free Time 休息时间 Fact File 文件夹页 Fahrenheit 室内温度 Fumes 排风 / 空调 Facilities 设施设备 Fun 趣味性 Phones 电话 Ice Breaker 破冰游戏 TRUE OR FALSE? 真的还是假的? Everyone think of 3 interesting facts about yourself or your life…每人回忆有关自己本人或自己生活的三件有趣的事情 2 of them are to be true and 1 of them false! 其中两件是真的,一件是假的 3 minutes to think 给大家三分钟的思考时间 Ask you to tell the group the 3 facts, and we will try and guess which one is false 请将这三件事讲给其他人听,大家来一起试着猜猜看哪一件是假的。 Lets go!! 请开始吧!! Programme课 程 安 排 The Importance of the Selection Process 甄选过程的重要性 The Structure - Preparation Contact 结构--准备接触 The Structure - Control Close 结构 --掌握结束 The Theory of Behavioural Interviewing行为能力面试的理论 The Decision Process 决定过程 Skills Practice preparation 技巧练习的准备 Skills Practices 技巧练习 Programme Objectives 课程目标 By the end of the Programme you will be able to在本课程结束时,你将能够:- State the importance of the Selection Process 陈述甄选过程的重要性 Identify the stages of a selection interview 识别甄选面试的阶段 Explain the theory and give examples of Behavioural Interviewing 解释理论并给出行为面试的例子 State the legal implications associated with recruitment 阐述与招聘相联系的法律关联 Complete appropriate preparation prior to conducting a Competency Based interview 在进行行为能力面试之前完成充分准备 Demonstrate the techniques involved in selecting the right person for a position 演示为合适职位甄选恰当人选所包括的技巧 Conduct a Competency Based Interview to the standard of the company 按照公司标准进行行为能力面试 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SELECTION PROCESS 甄选过程的重要性 Session 1 第一部分 The Importance of the Selection Process甄选过程的重要性 Objectives 课程目标 By the end of this session you will be able to本章节结束时, 你将能够:- Define the terms “Recruitment” and “Selection Interviewing” 定义”招聘”与”甄选面试”两个术语 List the benefi


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