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Unit 1 Chemic?al Indust?ry
1.Origin?s of the Chemic?al Indust?ry
Althou?gh the use of chemic?als dates back to the ancien?t civili?zation?s, the evolut?ion of what we know as the modern? chemic?al indust?ry starte?d much more recent?ly. It may be consid?ered to have begun during? the Indust?rial Revolu?tion, about 1800, and develo?ped to provid?e chemic?als roe use by other indust?ries. Exampl?es are alkali? for soapma?king, bleach?ing powder? for cotton?, and silica? and sodium? carbon?ate for glassm?aking. It will be noted that these are all inorga?nic chemic?als. The organi?c chemic?als indust?ry starte?d in the 1860s with the exploi?tation? of Willia?m Henry Perkin?’s discov?ery if the first synthe?tic dyestu?ff—mauve. At the start of the twenti?eth centur?y the emphas?is on resear?ch on the applie?d aspect?s of chemis?try in German?y had paid off handso?mely, and by 1914 had result?ed in the German? chemic?al indust?ry having? 75% of the world market? in chemic?als. This was based on the discov?ery of new dyestu?ffs plus the develo?pment of both the contac?t proces?s for sulphu?ric acid and the Haber proces?s for ammoni?a. The later requir?ed a major techno?logica?l breakt?hrough? that of being able to carry out chemic?al reacti?ons under condit?ions of very high pressu?re for the first time. The experi?ence gained? with this was to stand German?y in good stead, partic?ularly? with the rapidl?y increa?sed demand? for nitrog?en-based compou?nds (ammoni?um salts for fertil?izers and nitric? acid for explos?ives manufa?cture) with the outbre?ak of world warⅠin 1914. This initia?ted profou?nd change?s which contin?ued during? the inter-war years (1918-1939).
尽管化学品的?使用可以追溯?到古代文明时?代,我们所谓的现?代化学工业的?发展却是非常?近代(才开始的)。可以认为它起?源于工业革命?其间,大约在180?0年,并发展成为为?其它工业部门?提供化学原料?的产业。比如制肥皂所?用的碱,棉布生产所用?的漂白粉,玻璃制造业所?用的硅及Na?2CO3. 我们会注意到?所有这些都是?无机物。有机化学工业?的开始是在十?九世纪六十年?代以Will?iam Henry Perkin? 发现第一种合?成染料—苯胺紫并加以?开发利用为标?志的。20世纪初,德国花费大量?资金用于实用?化学方面的重?点研究,到1914年?,德国的化学工?业在世界化学