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毕业论文 题 目:百里杜鹃发展旅游业对生 态环境的影响 学 号: 12221 姓 名: 000 教 学 院: 地理与生命科学学院 专业班级: 地理科学 —以普底乡为例 作者姓名:专业班级:地理科学 学号: 指导教师: 摘 要:本文通过实地考察法、问卷调查法以及资料分析法,分析百里杜鹃发展基本情况、旅游资源的现状以及调查百里杜鹃发展旅游业对当地生态环境的影响的旅游地居民的态度和感知,得出百里杜鹃发展旅游以来不但没有使当地的生态环境遭到破坏,而且同时积极倡导发展生态旅游,主动采取措施保护和规划当地生态环境,不断增加百里杜鹃的森林面积和覆盖率。地居民对百里杜鹃发展旅游业的态度与感知的调查结果表明,百里杜鹃居民对百里杜鹃发展旅游业持的是积极的态度,认为旅游的发展不仅改善了当地的环境、促进了经济的发展,而且对当地人民的生活和社会文化都产生了积极的影响。 关键词:百里杜鹃风景名胜区;生态旅游;旅游感知 - PuDe township, for example Candidate: Li Xing-xing Professional class: Geographic science Student No.: 08121002010 Advisor: GeDongMei Abstract:In this paper, through on-the-spot investigation method, questionnaire survey and data analysis, analysis of thyme cuckoo development basic situation, the status of tourism resources and thyme cuckoo on the impact of tourism on the local ecological environment of tourism destination residents attitude and perception, it is concluded that the cuckoo since the development of tourism in instead of the local ecological environment is destroyed, and at the same time actively advocate developing ecological tourism, take the initiative to take measures to protect the local ecological environment and planning, increase forest area and the coverage of the cuckoo. Residents in the attitude and perception of tourism development of thyme cuckoo, according to a survey of the thyme cuckoo residents of thyme cuckoo to develop tourism is a positive attitude, think the development of tourism not only improve the local environment, promote the development of the economy, but also for the local peoples life and social culture have had a positive effect. Key words: Thyme cuckoo scenic area;Ecological tourism;Tourism perception 目 录 摘 要 i Abstract ii 引言 1.百里杜鹃风景名胜区概况 1.1百里杜鹃的地理位置 1.2百里杜鹃的气候条件 2.百里杜鹃的旅游资源现状 2.1壮丽的杜鹃花资源 2.2休闲的度假旅游资源和登山资源 3.当地居民对旅游发展的感知与态度 4.结论与建议 参考文献 致 谢 0 引言 现在旅游业是当今世界发展速度最快,势头最强劲的产业之一。生态旅游作为旅游业可持续发展的一种实践形式,被认为是实现旅游业可持续发展的首要的,必然的选择


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