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摘 要 受国际金融危机的影响,,市场运价大幅下跌,分析和探讨包括错误扣船的问题99年《国际扣船公约》对我国扣船规定产生深刻影响,《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》中有关扣船部分较好地借鉴了公约的规定。但是海诉法第21条对于船舶扣押申请人的22项海事请求权的规定没有与时俱进;诉讼保全和执行中的扣船的规定都不完善;活扣押适用范围的规定很不科学;担保的返还问题和错误扣船的认定都有值得商榷之处。完善相关问题的研究对我国扣船法律制度具有重要意义。 第二章分析有关船舶活扣押与死扣押的问题。活扣押可以继续投入营运,创造利润,不影响船舶扣押过程中使用价值的实现,可以避免扣押期间的营运损失。在文中,首先有必要对“活扣押”与“死扣押”进行概述;其次,对活扣押与死扣押进行比较,总结了活扣押的优点和缺点。同时又分析了其在执行过程中可能遇到的问题,提出了相应的对策:建议完善活扣押的相关立法;强制设立活扣押保险;建议4个月海诉法第76条规定放船担保的数额应当与其债权数额相当的规定值得商榷。规定应相当于因其申请可能给被请求人造成的损失提供担保的数额错误扣船的问题研究如何避免错误扣船的问题,对错误扣船之基本形态、法律性质、法律责任及 ABSTRACT By the international financial crisis, seriously affected the shipping industry, the market freight rates fell sharply, many companies in huge losses, arrears crew wages, freight, etc. occur, the shipping industry is also increasing disputes. Arrest of Ships, not only for the court to provide a basis for jurisdiction, but also for the maritime rights of the claimant to achieve a reliable guarantee. Arrest of Ships is the field of maritime law legal system of one of the most unique, effective and timely solution to resolve maritime disputes, the maximum protection of the legitimate interests of the claim of great importance. In this paper, the Special Maritime Procedure Law of China on the relevant provisions of arrest of ships, based on reference to the seizure of foreign ships cases, maritime litigation practice in our country, comprehensive use of comparative analysis and case analysis demonstrated methods to analyze and explore the system-related arrest issues, including the two legal systems arrest system and the construction of arrest, seizure of the security problem in the ship live seizure of the issues and wrongful arrest and I hope the arrest of ships in China has been the role of System. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter, an overview of arrest systems, Focus of the two legal systems and the Chinese Arrest System. System of common law of arrest in rem proceedings to the basis of civil law stresses that the ship s



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