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摘 要 长三角地区现已形成以上海为龙头的苏中南、浙东北工业经济带,并确立 “一体两翼”的发展框架,即以上海为中心、以江苏和浙江港口为两翼的上海国际航运中心建设。经济贸易的增长产生了大量的货源,使该地区各港口的货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量连年增长。但是长三角地区多式联运通道建设与该地区港口货物吞吐量的高速增长相对比之后,在一定程度上制约了长三角地区的进一步发展。 因此,本文首先从阐述集装箱多式联运通道的相关理论入手,在分析了长三角地区集装箱多式联运通道发展状况的基础上,对长三角集装箱多式联运通道中的关键部分集装箱中转站的布局和集疏运通道进行规划——利用模糊C均值聚类的分析方法对长三角地区集装箱中转站布局进行规划分析。同时,还提出了在进一步发展集装箱多式联运通道的过程中,需要改进的方面以及完善的方法和途径。 关键词:长三角地区,集装箱,多式联运通道,模糊C均值聚类分析 ABSTRACT Yangtze River Delta has been shaped an industrial and economy zone by the middle and south Jiangsu province and the east and north Zhejiang province with Shanghai as the leader, and established the Integration with Two Wings of the development framework, that is, with Shanghai as the center of this planning, the ports in Jiangsu and Zhejiang as wings of Shanghai International Shipping Center. Growth of economic and trade had brought a large number of sources, making the port throughput and container throughput in the region increased year by year. However, the building of multimodal transport in Yangtze River Delta, to a certain extent, restricted the further development of the Yangtze River Delta region, which compared with the regions port throughput growth. Therefore, this paper first described the relative theory of the container multimodal transport channel, based on the analysis of intermodal containers channel development in Yangtze River Delta region, make planning on the key part of the multimodal transport channel of the Yangtze River Delta cargo terminal in the layout and set distributing channel – using FCM (fuzzy c-means) cluster analysis making plans for the Yangtze River Delta cargo terminal. At the same time, from a policy and institutional building, on the Yangtze River Delta container multimodal corridor planning to make recommendations. Song Juanjuan(transportation planningmanagement) Directed by prof. Yang Zhigang Key words: Yangtze River Delta, Container Transport Corridor, FCM cluster analysis 目



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