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化工与生物技术学院课程设计 年产3.75万吨酒精生产装置粗馏塔和预浓缩塔的工艺设计 学生学号: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 指导教师: 职 称: 起止日期: 吉 林 化 工 学 院 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology 摘 要 在本次专业课程设计中,本人进行了这次题为年产3.75万吨优质食用玉米酒精生产装置粗馏塔和预浓缩塔的工艺设计。本设计选用吉林玉米作为生产原料,厂址选在吉林市。原料经清筛除杂、干燥、粉碎、液糖化、发酵、精馏得到优质食用酒精,废水、废渣经DDGS工艺合理回收利用。粉碎工段采用锤式干法粉碎工艺。糖液化工段选用分段加酶的中温双酶法蒸煮工艺。发酵工段以湖北宜昌安琪酵母有限公司生产的活性干酵母为生产菌株,采用大罐露天连续浓醪发酵生产工艺。而精馏工段则选用目前比较先进节能的六塔差压精馏技术。最后采用DDGS技术对酒糟进行处理,利用微生物对废水进行处理,使之达到排放标准。从工艺计算以及技术经济评价来看,本设计各项内容都比较合理,有其可行性和可用性。 关键词:酒精;粗馏塔;预浓缩塔;工艺 Abstract In the design of this course, I entitled this time production of 30000 tonnes of crude distillation of high quality corn alcohol production plant and process design of concentration column. This design choice of maize in Jilin province as production raw materials, site selection in Jilin city. Raw materials by the ballast removal, drying, grinding, liquid quality alcohol saccharification, fermentation, distillation, waste water and recovery and utilization of waste residue of DDGS rational. Hammer dry grinding process of crushing workshop section. Subparagraph sugar selection section of liquefaction temperature of the enzyme enzymatic cooking technology. Section of Yichang, Hubei Angel yeast produced by the fermentation for production of active dry yeast strains, using large tanks open continuous production process of high-concentration mash fermentation. Distillation section of the selection is currently more advanced energy-efficient six-Tower rectification technology of differential pressure. Final DDGS technique on treatment of Distillers grains, on wastewater treatment using microorganisms, to meet emission standards. Calculated from the process, as well as technical and economic assessment, the contents of this design are more reasonable, its feasibility and availability. Keywords: alcohol; crude distillation; concentration; technology 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目录 1 第1篇 设计说明



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