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皮炎与湿疹 Dermatitis and Eczema ; 皮炎与湿疹 Dermatitis and Eczema ? ; 接触性皮炎 Contact Dermatitis ;Aetiology and pathophysiology ;2、致敏反应 sensitive reaction: ;临床表现 clinic appearance;;;(二)亚急性和慢性接触性皮炎 subacute and chronic contact dermatitis 1、lower dose and hyposensitive stimulating allergen arouse 2、repeat contact allergen for long time,or across allergy, multiple allergy transform 3、subacute lesion: erythema, papule, and borderline not clear 4、chronic lesion : light proliferatiopn, lichenification, ;; 特殊类型的接触性皮炎 Special contact dermatitis: 1. 尿布皮炎 Diaper dermatitis: 2. 漆性皮炎 Dermatitis rhus: 3. 化状品皮炎Cosmetic dermatitis: ;;;诊断diagnosis ;治疗Therapy ;湿 疹 Eczema;Aetiology and pathogenesis: ;2. External factors: (1) food: fish, egg, meat (2) vegetable: flower (3) microorganism: acarid (4) chemistry: cosmetic, synthesis fiber ;临床表现 clinic appearance;;;(二)亚急性湿疹 subacute eczema: 1、lesions characteristic:little papule and papulevesicle,as well as scale, light lichenification, lesion borderline is not clear. 2、many lesions come from acute eczema lesions. 3、severe itch ;;(三)慢性湿疹 chronic eczema: 1、lesion characteristic: there are papule, excoriation, scale on the base of dark erythema, and lichenification on the lesion, pigment exchange 2、lesions symmetrically distribute on the hand, feet, breast, vulvae, anus and other place 3、patient has long disease history, recrudesce time after time ;;;Some kinds of local eczema: 1. 手部湿疹Hand eczema 2. 乳房湿疹Breast eczema 3. 外阴、阴囊和肛门湿疹Pudendum and crissum eczema 4. 汗疱疹Pompholyx ;;;;Diagnosis;鉴别诊断;治 疗;特应性皮炎 Atopic dermatitis;Aetiology and pathogenesis: ;临床表现 clinic appearance;3、成人期: 出现于12岁以后的青少年和成人。 (1)皮损:暗红色苔藓化皮损,表面抓痕、鳞屑及 色素沉着。 (2)分布:对称分布于四肢、肘窝、腘


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