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上海晨辉商务咨询有限公司合肥办事处 公司行业: 其他行业 其他行业 公司性质:民营公司 公司规模:50-150人 Company Introduction CTC Translation Center, established in 1998, is a professional translation and localization service provider that enables global businesses to deliver locally relevant and culturally connected products in China market. After over ten years of development, we have become one of the largest translation and localization agencies in Shanghai City. With large and professional translator teams, advanced CAT tools (SDLX, Trados, Star Transit, Across etc.) and scientific project management workflow, we have established long cooperation relationships with many World Top 500 Enterprises such as GE SAP, Siemens etc. Our service offerings include website localization, software localization (UI, help etc.), documentation translation (user manuals, datasheets, product catalogues, sell sheets, training materials etc.) and desktop publishing (FrameMaker, InDesign, QuarkXpress etc). 地 址:新站区胜利路60号蓝鲸大厦901室 邮政编码:000000 联 系 人:王经理 CTC翻译中心是经上海市科学技术委员会批准,上海市工商行政管理局注册的专业性翻译机构,CTC倾心倾力竭诚为海内外客户提供优质服务。|CTC人才济济,至今已汇集了二百余名专业口、笔译人员,翻译语种涉及数十种,并在中国地区建立起了一个强大的翻译网络。|CTC以质量求生存,以信誉为保证。在行业内率先采用ISO9000标准进行质量及流程管理,最大程度地提高了翻译质量和翻译效率。|CTC高瞻远瞩,在其成长与发展的历程中,本着“客户第一,服务全球”的经营理念,与海内外诸多公司建立了良好的业务合作关系,同时也积累了与外商合作的丰富经验,尤其得到了以“IBM、百事、东芝、通用、吉列、大宇”等为代表的大型跨国企业集团的一致好评。不断壮大的CTC业已将业务拓展至海外,并拟在香港设立办事机构以进驻国际翻译市场。|全球经济的发展需要语言的沟通,CTC愿通... Welcome to CTC Translation Localization Solutions CTC Translation Localization Solutions is a premier Chinese translation and localization company. With over 50 in-house translators and 10 in-house DTP specialists, we could arrange a dedicated team for your large and on-going projects, so comparing with other Chinese translation companies, we could supply you the translation and localization services with high productivity and timely delivery. Based on over 14 years translation and localization experience, we have a world-class quality control system, fully adopting TEP (Translation, Editing and Proofrea


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