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* 词语辨析 (二) 主讲教师:毕勤 23.a number of, the number of a number of许多,谓语动词用复数。the number of…的数目,谓语动词用单数。 The number of students is increasing. 24.in front of, in the front of in front of范围外的前面,in the front of范围内的前面 In the front of the room sits a boy. 25.three of us, the three of us three of us我们(不止三个)中的三个,the three of us我们三个(就三个人) The three of us---Tom, Jack and I went to the cinema. 26.by bus, on the bus by bus表手段,方式,不用冠词,on the bus表范围 They went there by bus. 27.? for a moment, for the moment for a moment 片刻,一会儿 for the moment暂时,一时 Thinking for a moment, he agreed. 28.? next year, the next year next year将来时间状语 the next year过去将来时间状语 He said he would go abroad the next year. 29. more than a year, more than one year more than a year一年多 more than one year超过一年(两年或三年等) 30. take advice, take the(one’s) advice take advice征求意见 take the advice接受忠告 He refused to take the advice and failed again. 31. take air, take the air take air传播,走漏,take the air到户外去,散步 We take the air every day. 32. in a word, in words in a word总之,一句话, in words口头上 In a word, you are right. 33. in place of, in the place of in place of代替,in the place of在…地方 A new building is built in the place of the old one. 34. in secret, in the secret in secret秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语;in the secret知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语 My mother was in the secret from the beginning. 35. a girl, one girl a girl可泛指所有女孩, one girl一个女孩 Can one girl carry such a big box? 36.take a chair, take the chair take a chair 相当于sit down 坐下, take the chair开始开会 37.? go to sea, by sea, by the sea go to sea 当海员,出航, by sea 乘船,由海路, by the sea 在海边 go by sea 38.? the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacher the doctor and teacher指一个人,既是医生又是 老师, the doctor and the teacher两个人,一个医 生和一个老师 The doctor and teacher is… 39.? in office, in the office in office 在职的,in the office 在办公室里 He is in office, not out of office. 40.? in bed, on the bed in bed 卧在床上,on the bed 在床上 The book is on the bed. He is ill in bed. 41.? in


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