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阅读理解 词数:288 建议用时:6分钟 难度: ★★★ 解题技巧 点拨 第5题 What would be the best title for this passage? 主旨大 意题的 标题类 1.The best title for this passage is______ . 2.The suitable headline for this passage may be_______. 3.The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is_________. 4.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage? 方 法 对 策 技巧一:识别文体 技巧二:找关联词 技巧三: 抓线索 技巧四: 找高频词 本题就是第四种方法即:从段落中寻找高频率词 任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多文章中最明显的特点之一 是有一个反复出现的中心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。本篇中反复出现的词 是closeness 和relationship,因此主题就是它们了。 真 题 回 放 A new eight-kilometer road is under construction that links the port area with motorway system. It is expected to carry 20,000 trucks and cars a day, which greatly reduces the overcrowded traffic in the center of the city. As part of the project, two four-kilometer road tunnels are being built below the central area of the city, one for traffic to the north and the other for the traffic to the south. The two tunnels are about 20 meters below the surface and are 12 meters wide, providing for two lanes of traffic in each direction. In the upper part of the tunnel two air-conditioning pipes remove the waste gas of trucks and cars and keep the quality of air inside the tunnel. The lighting is at the top of the tunnel, practically at its highest point. There will also be electric signs at frequent intervals. They show traffic conditions ahead and can be seen clearly by drivers. The wall is made up of four main elements, which include a waterproofing covering and, on the inside of the tunnel, a concrete lining. Each tunnel is roughly round and the lower part of the tunnel is somewhat flat. The surface of the road lies on the base, which is made of concrete and steel. The drainage system, just below the road surface on one side, removes any extra liquid, particularly water. In the event of fire, the fire main, which is made of steel, pipes water to many fire hydrant stations at regular intervals along the length of the tunnel. The fire main is


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