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  1.表示相似性的句型   Moral corruption(A)is to the State(B)as physical disease(C)is to an individual body(D).(A之于B犹如C之于D)   Just as woods are indispensable to birds,so is the earth to human beings.(正如…,…也如此)   As far as personality is concerned,Tom (A) and Peter (B) have almost everything in common.(A和B有共同之处)   My hobby (A) is similar to his (B) in that we both like collecting records,foreign and domestic. (A与B相似)   As the economies of all countries are closely interrelated no country can develop in self-seclusion. The same is true of China. (The same is true of. The same can be said of... 也是如此)   2.表示相异性的句型   Beijing (A) is populous and crowded,while Canberra (B) is just the opposite.(A与B正相反)   China’s condition (A) differs from ours (B) in that China has the largest population in the world. (A不同于B在于)   While it may be true that basketball and volleyball share certain features,the excitement each arouses in the spectators is not the same.(…是不相同的)   3.表示权衡性的句型   It seems safe to say that the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages of divorce.(利大于弊)   Perhaps nothing can rival the pleasure from reading. (…是无与伦比的)   There could be no doubt that job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits.(既有优点也有缺点)   Men (A)may be superior to women(B) in physical affairs. Yet,there is no difference in intelligence.(A优于B)   People’s attitude towards drugs varies from person to person.(…是因人而异的)   4.表示过渡性的句型(承上启下,使新观点不至于显得突兀、武断)   Some people argue as if it is a general truth that ,I cannot agree with them for the following reasons.. But to be frank   According to/As can be seen in figures/statistics /the findings/data released/provided by the government/an institute, .   There are several/many causes/reasons for this dramatic/significant growth/change/decline/increase in .   There are no less than three advantages in as rendered below.   The reasons are chiefly as follows .   Another reason why I advocate the attitude of is that.   Last but not least, .   What is more, .   5.表示倍数


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