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栗子:享受奇妙诡异的节奏感 Li Zi: Enjoy the Marvelous Rhythm 采编:刘 凡 by Liu Fang 栗子个展 “迷失”8月份在德国柏林的Director’s House举行。Director’s House坐落于柏林艺术区最中心的位置,位于博物馆岛正对面,是一家集画廊、协会、艺术家工作室、专业杂志和文化节于一体的综合性艺术机构,曾经举办过一系列重要的艺术节及展览。主办方十分看好栗子的作品,对栗子的个展亦充满信心,计划随后展开栗子的欧洲系列巡展之旅。 This August, Li Zis solo exhibition Lost has been held in Directors House, Berlin, Germany. Directors House is located in the center of the Berlin Art District, right opposite the Museum Island. As an art institution that runs gallery, association, artists studio, professional magazine and art festival, it has organized a series of important art festivals and exhibitions. The organizer is very optimistic with Li Zi’s works and confident in her solo exhibition, and her tour exhibition is now planned to travel around Europe afterwards. 刘 凡:你的新作《迷失》系列仿佛将观者带入了另一种境地,这批作品无论从内容还是表现方式上都有很大的改变,能谈一下这种改变的源起吗? Liu Fan: Your new works, the Lost series bring viewers into a new world, and great changes can be seen compared with your previews works, in terms of contents or expression ways. What has caused such changes? 栗 子:《迷失》系列,是我创作方向的转变和突破。之前我注重人物的刻画,我的作品中几乎没有背景,画面中只有我创作的中性化的人物。那甚至成为我的一个符号。2011年之后,我突然对这个符号感到厌倦,我甚至看到我以后会陷入重复符号化的陷阱中。我想,我不需要重复我的符号,不需要告诉大家一个我已经说得很明白的概念,因此我转到对空间和物体重组的冲突中找寻一种特有的感觉。 Li Zi: The Lost Series is a transition and a break-through of my creation approaches. Before I emphasized the portrait of figures in my paintings and put only the neutralized figures against a vague background, which has already become my symbol. After 2011, I suddenly got bored with such a symbol and I even pictured that one day I would be struck in a trap of the repeated symbolization. I don’t need such a repetition, I think, and I don’t need to tell people a concept that I have put quite clear, therefore I turn to the conflicts in the reconstruction of space and object to look for a particular feeling. 刘 凡:这种改变与人生阅历有关吗? Liu Fan: Does such a change have something to do with your life experience? 栗 子:当然。我觉得可能我成熟了一点吧!会思考作品后续发展的问题。也有很多是受到电影镜



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