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摘要煤制取甲醇生产工艺是一种以煤作为原材料进行甲醇生产的工艺流程。甲醇在有机化学领域中占有重要地位,也是国民经济的重大组成部分。随着科技的进步,甲醇燃料的应用也大幅度上升。世界甲醇工业从90年代开始经历了1991-1998的供需平衡,1998-1999的供大于求,从2000年初至今的供求基本平衡三个基本阶段。我国的甲醇工业经过十几年的发展,生产能力也得到了很大提高。设计内容主要是三塔甲醇精馏工艺,与传统工艺相比新工艺能够节约能量,节约软水;但是同时新工艺增加了系统的藕合程度,加强了塔之间的关联性,提高了系统对于进料波动的响应的复杂性,给控制带来了很大的难题。为了能够实现新工艺的工业应用,对新工艺进行详细的研究。进行工艺额度论证,物料衡算以及热量衡算等。本设计采用煤炭为原料;利用Texaco煤气化技术作为造气技术;低温甲醇洗技术中的Linde工艺;中压法一氧化碳加氢制甲醇工艺;严格地控制三废排放,充分利用费能,降低能源耗损,保证操作人员的人身安全。关键词:甲醇; 合成 ;精馏; 计算AbstractCoal preparation of methanol production process is a process of coal as raw material for methanol production process.?Methanol occupies an important position in the organic chemistry field, and is also a major component of the national economy..?With the progress of science and technology, the application of methanol fuel has also increased greatly..?The world methanol industry from 90 time has experienced the supply and demand of 1991-1998, 1998-1999 oversupply, from the beginning of the 2000 basic balance of supply and demand has three basic stages.?Chinas methanol industry after a decade of development, production capacity has been greatly improved.Design content mainly three columns of methanol distillation process, process and traditional compared to the new technology can save energy, soft water saving; but at the same time new technology increased system coupling degree, strengthened the association between tower, improve the system for feed fluctuations in response to the complexity and to control brought great difficulties.?In order to realize the industrial application of the new technology, the new technology is studied in detail..?To carry out process quota argument, material balance and heat balance calculation, etc..?This design using coal as raw materials; the use of Texaco coal gasification technology for gas technology; low temperature methanol washing technology in Linde technology; medium voltage method of carbon monoxide hydrogenation to methanol process; strictly control discharge of three wastes, m


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