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摘 要 本设计的设计题目是旅馆,该项目的名称是沈阳悦来旅馆,其位于沈阳市沈河区。 本工程占地面积约为1100平方米左右,总建筑面积6220.8平方米,六层,底层层高为3.9米,2-6层层高为3.3米。旅馆主体结构采用钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构,柱网尺寸为7.2m×6m ,总长度为72m,总宽度为14.4m, 总高度为(20.4+0.3)=20.7m。 本设计包括建筑设计和结构设计两个部分。设计内容包括(建筑设计部分)平面设计、立面设计、剖面设计及相应的构件设计,(结构设计部分)计算模型的选取、荷载计算、内力计算、构件设计及相应的配筋图。 外墙采用370mm厚空心砖水泥砌块;楼梯间墙为240mm实心砌块; 内墙采用240mm厚空心水泥砌块。柱子采用500mm×500mm方形柱,每层的柱子截面尺寸一样。梁的截面高度由其跨度确定,考虑到施工便利,边跨主梁尺寸为300mm×700mm,中跨主梁采用250㎜×500㎜,次梁均为300mm×600mm,所用钢筋为HRB400级,梁板混凝土为C30,柱子为C30。 本设计依据现行国家规范和相关参考设计资料完成,根据经济、安全、适用、美观、私密性的原则,并且考虑了与周围环境的和谐和统一,进行设计。结构计算中,采用D值法,计算水平地震作用和风荷载作用下框架的顶点位移和内力;采用分层法计算竖向荷载作用下的框架内力,并考虑地震、风的影响进行内力组合。在此基础上,进行框架梁、柱的配筋设计计算。同时,还对楼板和楼梯进行了设计。 关键词:钢筋混凝土;框架结构;结构设计;内力分析 Abstract This design topic is the hotel, the name of the project is Shenyang Dongling Hotel, located in the District of Shenyang city. The project covers an area of about 1100square meters, a total construction area of 6220.8square meters, the six layer, the layer is 3.3 meters high. Hotel main body structure using cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, column size of 7.2m for 6m, a total length of 72m, a total width of14.4m, a total height of 21.3M. The design consists of architectural design and structural design of two parts. Content includes design ( Architectural Design ) graphic design, elevation design, section design and the corresponding component design ( structural design ), selection of calculation model, calculation of load, internal force calculation, structure design and corresponding reinforcement plan. On the use of370 mm thick hollow brick cement block; staircase wall of 240 mm solid block; the inner walls made of240 mm thick hollow concrete block. Post by500mm x 500 mm square columns, each layer of pillar section size. The beam section height is determined by its span, considering the construction convenience, edge girder with dimensions of 300mm x700 mm, across the main beam using300 mm x 700 mm, Liang Jun for250 mm x 500 mm, the steel used for HRB400, beam and slab concret



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