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本科毕业设计 题目: 嗅觉机器人定位策略研究 学 院: 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 摘 要 嗅觉机器人定位策略的研究开始于上个世纪九十年代,在这二十多年里主要是西方发达国家从事这项研究。嗅觉机器人定位是一项系统工程,它由智能机器人技术、传感器技术、控制技术等多种实用技术组成。嗅觉机器人定位问题可以分为以下三个子问题:探测待测气体、跟踪待检测的气体、确定待检测气味源。该技术在有毒气体的检测、灾难营救、灾难预警等方面有着广泛的应用前景。 本文的主要研究工作如下: 首先,从选题背景与意义对国内外的相关研究进行了综述和分析,并阐述了嗅觉机器人定位原理以及研究现状。 其次,以嗅觉机器人AORI为例,分析了嗅觉机器人的基本框架结构,介绍了AORI嗅觉机器人的各个模块单元以及硬件的选型。 再次,针对嗅觉机器人定位问题,论述了基于生物捕食行为、基于动物刺激性和趋刺激性、基于遗传算法的三种有效的嗅觉机器人定位策略,并且从理论上验证了三种嗅觉机器人定位策略的可行性。 最后,对基于遗传算法的嗅觉机器人定位策略进行仿真,并对仿真结果进行分析。仿真实验结果验证了遗传算法运用于嗅觉机器人定位问题的有效性。 关键词:机器人;嗅觉定位策略;遗传算法; Abstract Smelling robot localization strategy research began in the 1990s. In the twenty years it was mainly engaged in the research of western developed countries. Smelling robot localization is a systematic project. It is composed of intelligent robot technology, sensor technology, control technology and many other kinds of practical technology. Smelling robot localization problem can be divided into three subproblems: detection of gases, trace the detected gases, confirm the odor source. The technology has a broad application prospect in the poisonous gas detection, disaster rescue, disaster early warning, etc. The major research works conducted in this paper are as follows: First of all, the domestic and foreign related research have been summarized and analyzed in the aspect of selected topic background and significance, and expounds the sense of smell robot localization principle and research status. Secondly, the sense of smell robot basic framework structure has been analyzed as the example of AORI smelling robot. Then the module and hardware selection type have been introduced. Thirdly, according to smelling robot localization problem, three kings of localization strategy of based on biological behavior, based on the animal excitant and irritating, based on genetic algorithm have been proposed, and theoretically proves the feasibility of three kinds of smell robot localization strategy. Finally, the sme



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