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摘 要 本毕业设计是,该的总建筑面积大约是平方米,共层,建筑高度为2米。本建筑采用钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构体系,包括建筑设计结构设计部分内容。 建筑设计是在总体规划的前提下,据设计任务书的要求,综合考虑基地环境、使用功能、综合选型、施工、材料、建筑设备、建筑艺术及经济等。着重解决了建筑物与周围环境、建筑物与各种细部构造,最终确定设计方案,画出建筑施工图。结构设计包括手算和电算两部分。其中手算部分的主要内容为设计的总说明、构件尺寸的初步确定、框架的计算简图、荷载计算、框架横向侧移计算、框架在水平及竖向荷载作用下的内力计算分析和计算、内力组合、截面设计及基础设计电算用P软件进行施工组织设计是对施工活动实行科学管理的重要手段,它具有战略部署和战术安排的双重作用。基本建设计划和设计的要求,提供各阶段的施工准备工作内容,协调施工过程中各施工单位、各施工工种、各项资源之间的相互关系。:框架结构内力组合截面设计Abstract In the design of a member subjected to a uniaxial load, the stress was compared with the stress to cause failure in test specimens that had also been subjected to uniaxial load. This is the simplest of all design problems; the method is quite adequate, since the natureof the loads and the stresses in the test and in the part being designed are identical. However, we soon encounter cases where the member being designed is not so simple and the stresses are not uniaxial; consider, for example, the stresses in the web of a beam or in a pressure vessel. In these cases we know that the stress is two-dimensional or biaxial and it may, in other cases, be three-dimensional, or triaxial. For a structure having biaxial or triaxial stresses, how should we check the safety of the design? The most obvious way would be to conduct tests in which specimens are stressed to failure in the same stressed manner as in the structure; the allowable multiaxial stress then be determined by the application of an adequate safety factor. However, this would require a group of tests for every new set of multiaxial stresses that occurred in design. Such tests are difficult to perform, and the cost of performing them in the required numbers would be prohibitive. Consequently, we need a theory by which the results of the standard uniaxial test can be used to predict the failure of a part made of the same material when the stresses are multiaxial. In other words, we need a failure theory. KEY WORDS: failure theory, uniaxial, stressed, stressed 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 I 前 言 1 第1章 建筑设计说明


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