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南方某城市办公楼设计 摘要:本课题为南方某城市办公大楼的设计,总建筑面积4995㎡左右,建筑层数五层,一至五层层高均为3.6m,长54.00m,宽18.5m,高19.7m。该楼由三大功能区组成:会议室、市级领导办公室及其他配套设施,建筑设计交通流畅,各类房间满足使用要求,体形、立面美观。采用钢筋混凝土框架结构体系,基础为柱下独立基础。该办公楼建筑耐久等级为Ⅱ级,防火等级为Ⅰ级,抗震设防烈度8度(设计基本地震加速度为0.12g),设计地震分组为第一组,建筑场地类别为二类场地土,地基持力层为粉质粘土土层,持力层地基承载力特征值,基础埋深定为1.30m,无软弱下卧层,不考虑地下水影响。基本风压:0.35kN/㎡,基本雪压:0.50kN/㎡,最大降雨量60mm/h。 在认真贯彻“适用、安全、经济、美观”的原则下,研究收集各种办公楼设计方案。设计时根据办公楼设计规范和其它相关标准,以及设计要求和提供的地质资料,按照先建筑后结构,先整体布局后局部结点设计步骤设计。首先,根据设计出的建筑方案及所选用的建筑材料及做法,确定结构计算简图,进行荷载和内力计算,绘制了相应的内力图;其次,进行结构内力组合,确定结构控制截面的弯矩、剪力和轴力设计值。最后,根据已经计算出的结构控制截面的内力值,对梁、板、柱、基础等进行配筋计算,并绘制了相应的结构施工图。同时,采用PKPM软件进行验算,以保证计算结果的可靠性,并达到同手算结果对比分析的目的。 关键词: 框架结构 荷载计算 内力计算 配筋 An office building of south city Abstract: this paper is one office building design, with a total construction area of about 4995 ㎡, construction layer five layers, one to five layers of high are 3.6 m, long 54.00 m, width 18.5 m, high 7 m. By 3 big functions composition: describes the conference room, municipal leadership office and other auxiliary facilities, building design fluent, of each room traffic meets the requirement, the figure, elevation and beautiful. Using reinforced concrete frame structure, the foundation for under column independent foundation. This office building Ⅱ level, durability rating for the Ⅰ level, fire rating for seismic intensity 8 degrees (design basic earthquake acceleration is 0.12 g), and design for the first group, seismic grouping for types of construction sites, collapsible soil foundation ii venues for silty clay soil layer, characteristic value of subgrade bearing, bearing based buried depth, no weak as 1.30 m, dont consider next lie layer groundwater effects. Basic kN / ㎡ 30k air pressure:, basic snow kN / ㎡ pressure:.50 60mm/h, the maximum precipitation. Seriously implement the applicable, safety, economy, beautiful under the principle of design scheme of building research collection. When the design according to the design code and other related building design requirements and standards, as wel


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