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xx学院学生毕业设计论文  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT V 摘 要 本次毕业设计为工业机器人物件搬运系统的设计与制作。利用工业机器人技术来改善生产线上的搬运作业,从而替代工人重复性手动操作。该设计需要自己画出夹具--吸盘,然后通过三维建模软件CATIA设计出符合设计需要的夹具。目前工业机器人已经拥有成熟的控制系统,通过编程与示教,对IRB120机器人的运动轨迹做出理想的路径规划,并对机器人运动范围进行完全的控制。根据程序的编写来设定对工业机器人的运动路径进行物件搬运。应用Smart组件创建动态输送链,包含设定输送链产品源,输送链运动属性,输送链限位传感器等等,从而实现对机器人的物件搬运控制,最后利用robot studio软件对整个工作站的工作过程进行仿真。均在设计思路、设计方法、设计过程、设计特点方面做了详细的分析与说明。 关键词:物件搬运、CATIA建模、Smart组件、robot studio仿真 Abstract The graduation design for the industrial robot handling system design and production. The use of industrial robot technology to improve the production line of the transport operations, thus replacing the manual repetitive manual operation. The design needs to draw the fixture - sucker, and then through the three-dimensional modeling software CATIA designed to meet the design needs of the fixture. At present, industrial robots already have mature control system, through programming and teaching, the IRB120 robot trajectory to make the ideal path planning, and the robot range of full control. According to the preparation of the program to set the industrial robot movement path for object handling. Application of Smart components to create a dynamic conveyor chain, including the set of conveyor chain product source, conveyor chain motion properties, conveyor chain limit sensor, etc., in order to achieve the robot object handling control, and finally the use of robot studio software work on the entire workstation simulation. Are in the design ideas, design methods, design process, design features to do a detailed analysis and description. Key words: Object handling、CATIA modeling Design、Smart components、 Robot studio simulation 目 录TOC \o 1-3 \h \u   HYPERLINK \l _Toc29522 ???一章 序言  PAGEREF _Toc29522 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc15791 1.1 机器人未来的发展趋势  PAGEREF _Toc15791 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc5262 1.2 对IRB6400和IRB120型两类机器人进行简介  PAGEREF _Toc5262 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc572 1.2.1 IRB


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