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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 名 称: 宁夏大学生网购行为分析 与营销方案 学 院: 专 业/班 级: 学 生: 学 号: 指 导 教 师 : 摘要 互联网时代已经来临,随着网络覆盖率的逐步扩大以及硬件设施的快速普及,网民数量逐年上涨,这给电子商务发展带来了前所未有的机遇,大学生群体作为网购消费者的主力军,在电子商务市场中扮演者不可缺少的重要角色。通过深入调研发现,我国大学生在消费心理和网购行为上特点有:网购比例相对较大、频率相对较高、网购成交量更大、商品总价值低、男女比例不均衡、商品种类有明显的倾向、节日促销消费额大、网购方式偏向移动终端、依赖性强和市场潜力大等。我国大学生选择网购的消费动机有:求实、求廉、求便、求新以及模仿动机;大学生网购的行为特征有:偏向感性消费、品牌意识强但忠诚度低、购买频率高但多为小额消费、对价格的敏感程度高、消费需求具有阶段性特征、购后评价具有显著地评价效果。 然而,我国网络商家在针对大学生网购的营销策略中存在诸多问题,包括没有大学生群体进行市场调研、广告缺乏引导性和吸引力、商品雷同、缺乏个性、缺乏售后保障和后续营销。针对这些问题进行了文献研究、问卷调查,归纳总结出了针对性营销方案,包括产品方案、广告推广方案、促销方案和售后营销方案。 关键词:大学生;网络购物;消费行为;营销方案 Abstract The Internet era has arrived, with the gradual expansion network coverage and the rapid popularization of hardware facilities, the number of Internet users increases year by year, which to the development of electronic commerce brought unprecedented opportunities, college students consumer online shopping as the main force, in the electronic commerce market plays indispensable important role.?Through in-depth research found that college students in our country in the consumer psychology and behavior in online shopping features: the proportion of online shopping is relatively large, and the frequency is relatively high, the net purchase volume is greater, the total value of goods low, the ratio of men to women is not balanced, types of goods have obvious tendency, holiday promotions spending big, online shopping way bias mobile terminal, dependence is strong and big market potential and other Chinese college students choose online hopping consumer motivation: truth-seeking, for cheaper, seeking, innovation and imitation motivation; college students online shopping behavior: bias perceptual consumption, brand awareness is strong but low loyalty and purchase frequency high, but mostly for small consum


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