2013版《导与练》人教版英语必修1_知识讲解精品课件《Unit1 FriendshipPeriod 》 .ppt

2013版《导与练》人教版英语必修1_知识讲解精品课件《Unit1 FriendshipPeriod 》 .ppt

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2013版《导与练》人教版英语必修1_知识讲解精品课件《Unit1 FriendshipPeriod 》

Period 2 Learning about Language Using Language 8.tip/tIp/ n.________ ________ ________ ________ vt.________ ________ 9.swap/sw?p/ vt.________ 10.item/aIt?m/ n.________ ________ 答案 1.settle 2.suffer 3.recover 4.teenager 5.exactly6.不同意 7.不喜欢,厌恶 8.提示;技巧;尖;小费;倾斜,翻倒 9.交换 10.项目,条款 Ⅱ.短语天地 1.____________ 遭受,患病 2.____________从……中恢复,康复 3.____________厌倦,对……厌烦 4.____________装箱,打包 5.____________与……相处;进展 6.communicate with sb____________ 7.have trouble with sth/in doing sth____________ 8.fall in love with sb____________ 9.join in____________ 10.make friends with sb____________ 答案 1.suffer from 2.recover from 3.be/get tired of 4.pack up 5.get along with 6.与某人交流 7.做某事有困难 8.爱上某人,与某人相爱 9.参加,加入 10.与某人交朋友 ③解决(问题);结束(争端,纠纷) Since it is so difficult, who can settle the problem? 题目这么难,谁能解决? (2)vi. ①稳定下来,平静/镇定下来(+down/to) Its midnight, but I cant settle to my report. 半夜了,可我还安不下心来写报告。 She dicided to settle down and marry. 她决心安定下来,找个人结婚。[美国传统] ②停留 The bird settled on a branch.鸟儿落在树枝上。 ③安家,定居,移民 The family has settled in Canada.这家人已定居加拿大。 【归纳拓展】 settle sth     处理某事,决定某事 settle to do sth 决定做某事 settle that... 决定…… settle down 定居;坐下来 settle in 迁入(新居) settle with 与……结账,与……清账 settlement n. 解决;协议(书);定居点 settler n. 移民者,殖民者,开拓者 【单项填空】 ①The Browns decided to ________ in the montain village since it was quiet and the air was fresh to breathe. A.set down B.settle down C.turn down D.calm down 解析 set down记下,写下;turn down关小,调低,拒绝;calm down平静下来,都不合句意。settle down此处为“定居下来”。 答案 B 用settle的适当形式或相关短语填空 ②They will ________a new house next week. ③You should ________and write your article alone. ④He ________his affairs before leaving. ⑤I shall ________the bank in no more than a week. 答案 ②settle in ③settle down ④settled ⑤settle with 2.suffer vt. vi.(suffered,suffered,suffering,suffers)忍受;受……之苦;患……病 I will not suffer such conduct.我不能容忍这种行为。 The company suffered a heavy loss because of the credit crisis(信用危机). 由于信用危机,这家公司遭受了重大损失。 She is suffering from a headache.她正遭受头痛之苦。 【归纳拓展】 suffer from 苦于;患……病 s


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