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设计总说明 水是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础,是不可或缺、难以代替的重要资源。随着生活水平的提高,使人们对水质、水量的要求越来越高,这就要求给水排水工程专业人员予以城市给水系统合理的规划和设计。 近年来,随着社会经济的发展和繁荣,城市建设突飞猛进、城市面貌日新月异,城市居民生活水平大幅度提高。但是当地用水条件一直十分落后,饮水质量差,用水无保障,难以适应城市日益发展的需要。水的问题已成为严重制约华北地区B市持续、健康发展和对外开放的重要因素。因此,建设华北地区B市集中供水工程,实现集中统一供水已迫在眉睫。 给水系统是工矿企业的一项重要的基础设施,它在人们生活和工农业生产中占有重要地位,主要由取水工程、净水工程、输水管渠、城市管网、泵站以及其他调节构筑物构成。它的任务是从天然水源取水,按照用户对水质的要求进行处理,然后将水输送到给水区,并向用户配水。 本设计说明书主要内容包括:设计原始资料;取水、净水、主要构筑物的设计计算,并在已确定的工艺组成和各工序功能目标以及处理构筑物形式的基础上,确定水厂总体布置方案。Genenral Design Introduction Water is basical and indispensable resources of human society`s survival and development.It is really important,never repalced.With the improving of the people`s living standards,the demand to quality and quantity of water become higher.This requires that water supply and drainage engineering professionals to be reasonable urban water supply system plainning and design. In recent years, with the social and economic development and prosperity, rapid urban construction, urban look with each passing day, urban living standards greatly improved. But local water conditions has been very backward, poor quality drinking water, water insecurity, difficult to adapt to the growing needs of the city. The problem of water has become a serious constraint B in North China City sustained, healthy development and opening up an important factor. Therefore, the construction of centralized water supply in North China Municipal Engineering B, to achieve centralized water supply is imminent. Urban water supply system and the status of an inportant enterprise infrastructure,it play an important role in the industrial and agricultural production in peoples lives, which work mainly by water,water purification projects,drainage pipes,Urban pipelines,pumping station and other structures constitute regulation.Its mission is to water from natural water sources, water quality in accordance with the requirements of the user for processing, and then water to water supply areas, water distribution to users. The des


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