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摘 要 随着人类生存环境的不断恶化和自然资源的日益减少。人类社会的可持续发展面临着严峻地挑战,这迫使人类必须重视自然环境的保护与利用,自然资源的合理开发与利用这样一个生死攸关的大问题。而在这个大问题中,水又是最重要的.因为水是生命的源泉,民以水为天。水在自然资源中是应用最普遍,分布最广泛,对人类最重要的自然资源。随着人类社会的发展,人类已经认识到,水不是取之不尽用之不竭的,水是有限的。而这有限的水,正遭到严重污染,这使本来就十分匮乏的水资源更加匮乏。一方面严重缺水,另一方面又有大量污水排出,流入江河湖海污染水体。污水处理既可解决水源的严重污染,又可开发新水源,应该说这是一项事半功倍的事业。 城市人口的递增,城市规模的扩大,城市工业生产的发展,生活污水和工业废水排出量日益增多,大量未经处理的污水直接排入周围河流,致使城市周围环境污染十分严重,不但直接污染了市区的地下饮用水,而且对河流下游地区的农业生产和人民生活造成了危害,人类和生物赖以生存的生态环境受到了日益严重的威胁。同时,水生态系统体现了人与水的和谐共存与协调发展,是城市生态系统的主要组成部分和关键因素,与一个城市的可持续发展密切相关。因而,城市污水治理已成当前迫切需要解决的问题之一。我们通过建设城市污水处理厂,经过一级物理法和二级生物法对污水进行处理然后再将它排入水体,以减轻水体的负担。 关键词:A2O工艺,辐流式二沉池,平流沉砂池 ABSTRACT The human living environment is deteriorating and the natural resources become less and less. The sustainable development of human society is facing severe challenges, forcing humans must attach importance to the protection of the natural environment and the use, the reasonable development and utilization of natural resources such a life-and-death problem. In this big problem, water is the most important, because water is the source of life, the people water for the sky. Water is the most widely used and most widely distributed natural resource in natural resources. With the development of human society, mankind has realized that water is not inexhaustible and water is limited. And this limited water is being severely polluted, which makes the already scarce water resources even more scarce. On the one hand, there is a severe shortage of water, and on the other hand, there is a large amount of sewage flowing into the rivers and lakes to contaminate the water. Sewage treatment can solve the serious pollution of water source, but also can develop new water source, should say that this is a business with half the effort. Increasing urban population, the expansion of city scale, the development of the citys industrial production, domestic sewage and industrial waste water discharge amount is increasing, a large number of untreated sewage directly discharged into



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