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网络游戏交易平台信息管理系统摘要现今人们的生活方式逐渐丰富,电脑和网络已经融入了人们生活中的滴滴点点,无时不刻的影响着我们的日常生活,网络游戏已经进入到了大多数人的生活之中。在游戏的世界中人们会得到很多有价值的物品,然而这些物品就像现实生活中的物品一样,有的物品会经常被使用到,让玩家在游戏中神采奕奕,出类拔萃;有的却长时间的闲置,完全发挥不出其真正的价值。为了充分发挥游戏内各个物品的价值,游戏交易系统的出现已然成为时代的趋势,并将会拥有其与众不同又必不可少的的地位。设计本系统的目的在于创建一个可以帮助网络游戏交易平台准确并且快速的收集、整合、处理、记录与游戏交易平台相关信息的系统,显然凭借传统的手工管理方式已经无法正常处理每天巨额的信息量。在本系统的帮助下,企业能够极大幅度节约人力和物力,在保证准确性的同时,快速完成对信息的处理。设计的过程中我用JSP来编程,用Mysql建立数据间的转换,利用JAVA平台开发系统。在收集和存储游戏交易的档案信息的同时,本系统还能还能对游戏交易信息档案的接口进行更新和检索,从而显著提高工作效率。本论文着重说明了设计思想、技术难点以及解决方案等,介绍了系统创建的背景,系统所具备的功能以及整个系统的开发的过程。本游戏信息管理系统可以将企业从落后传统的游戏交易信息管理模式中解脱出来,通过使用本系统来使得对游戏交易过程中的信息管理能够变得简单透明,便于操作,一目了然。关键词: 游戏交易;系统;信息AbstractNowadays, peoples lifestyle is gradually enriched. Computer and network have been integrated into the little drops of peoples lives, affecting our daily life from time to time. Online games have entered the lives of most people.In the game world, people will get a lot of valuable items, but these items like real life items, some items will often be used to let the game player in the game, some are in good out of a bandbox, rise above the common herd; long time idle, not fully play its real value. In order to give full play to the value of various objects in the game, the emergence of the game trading system has become the trend of the times, and will have its distinctive and indispensable position.The purpose of this system is to create a system that can help the online game trading platform to collect, integrate, process and record the information related to the game platform accurately and quickly. Obviously, the traditional manual management has been unable to deal with the huge amount of information everyday. With the help of this system, the enterprise can greatly save manpower and material resources, and ensure the accuracy at the same time, the rapid completion of the information processing. We developed the game transaction information management system based on JAVA platform. The programming language used is JSP. On the database side, we use



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