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论文题目:热电企业管理问题研究 研究方向:热能动力设备于应用 关 键 词:热电 管理 研究 本 科 生: (签名)___________ 指导教师: (签名)___________ 摘要 电力企业是国民经济的先行官,为各行各业的生产提供源源不断的动力,做好电力企业的管理工作至关重要。发电厂是将一次能源转换成二次能源的企业,在我国,绝大多数电能是由火电厂生产的,总体能耗成本十分高,受热机技术的限制,燃料的化学能转换成电能的效率不高,仅在25-40%之间。当前,电力市场竞争机制已经引入,由于电力产品的同质性,成本竞争就成为主要的方式。 这就要求各电力企业加强电力生产全过程的管理,深挖内部潜力,优化运行方式,减少生产过程中的重复、浪费。发展热电联产,实现能源的综合利用,就是有效的解决办法之一。新疆维吾尔自治区石河子市地处祖国西北边睡,每年有5个月的采暖期,又是个轻纺城,对热能的需求十分巨大。大力发展热电联产,精心管理好生产中的每一个环节,减少生产流程中的损失,是摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。天富热电股份有限公司热电厂始建于1985年,历经三期建设形成5lMW的发电装机容量,锅炉总计485比的蒸发量。近二十年来对石河子市工农业经济的发展,人民生活质量的改善做出了巨大的贡献。但由于装机容量小、技术力量薄弱,管理水平不高,生产流程中的浪费现象仍然存在,增加了电力生产成本。木文从对热电企业管理中存在的问题分析、研究入手,认真剖析问题产生的根源和症结,用现代生产运作的先进理念、成功经验改进热电生产管理中的大限度的提高经济效益,为提高整个社会的福利水平做出贡献。 ABSTRACT Electric power enterprises are the leading officials of the national economy, providing a steady stream of power for the production of all walks of life. Power plant is a energy will be converted into secondary energy enterprises, in China, the vast majority of electricity can by thermal power plant, the cost of overall energy consumption is very high, is limited by the engine technology, fuel chemical energy is converted into electrical energy efficiency is not high, only between 25-40%. At present, the electric power market competition mechanism has been introduced, because of the homogeneity of power products, the cost of competition has become the main way. This requires that the power enterprises to strengthen the electric power production management of the whole process, deep internal potential, optimization of operation mode, reduce production in the process of duplication, waste. The development of cogeneration, the comprehensive utilization of energy, is one of the effective solutions. Shihezi City, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is located in motherland northwest side sleep every year heating period of 5 months, is a textile city, the demand for energy is very large. It is an important task to develop combined heat and power, carefully


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