海洋之歌 剧本台词 中英文字幕.doc

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Come away, oh, human child,去吧人世间的孩子 to the waters and the wild到那溪水边和荒野中去吧 with a fairy, hand in hand,与精灵拉着 for the worlds more full of weeping 这上的哭声太多 than you can understand.而你还不 Will you try it with me, Ben?本,你要跟我一起唱吗 Okay.好的Uh... I forget.噢!我忘了 Bedtime. Finish up, you two 该上床了你们俩别画啦 Dad, look at the selkie. 爸爸你看这个海豹人 Look. Oh.-你看噢 Shes singing her song 她在唱歌 So that she can send all the fairies home across the sea.这她就可以把所有的仙女送回家 And look, look, shes turning into a seal你瞧她变成了一只海豹 Do you like the selkie?你总欢海豹女吗 Shes beautiful.她很 But we have to finish it before the baby comes.宝宝出生前我们得把这个画完 We have lots of time to finish it, Ben.我们有的是时间 But its time to sleep now.但你现在该睡觉了 -0kay.好吧 Cu, good boy.小是好孩子 Are you all right?你没事吧 ’m fine. Its fine.没事 Comfy? Mmm-hmm.-舒适吗恩 Now, settle down. Theres something I want to give you.现在躺好我有要给你 What is it?那是什么 This is an ancient shell that my mother gave me a long time ago.这是一只古老的贝壳很久以前我妈妈给我的 Hold it to your ear and listen carefully.放到你耳边仔细听 Youll hear the song of the sea.你会听到大海的声音 I can hear the sea.我可以听到大海。 Keep listening.继续听 Mum?妈妈 Yes?怎么了 I cant wait for the baby to come.快让宝宝出土吧我都等不及要见她了 Were going to be best friends, arent we?我们会成为最好的朋友对吧 Of course you are.当然啦 Youre going to be the best big brother in the world.你会是世界上最好的哥哥 Bronach? 布罗娜 Mum?妈妈 Im so sorry.我很抱歉 Bronachl布罗娜 Mum?妈妈 Mum?妈妈 Song of the Sea 海洋之歌 Here, Cu, look at this.看这里小库 Mum used to tell me the story.妈妈曾经跟我讲过这个故事 ts the giant Mac Lir and his dogs.关于巨人麦克.利尔和他的狗狗们的故事 Theyre best friends, like us.他们是好朋友就像你和我 Cu, dont go too close to the water, its dangerous.小库别离水太近了那不安 For someone who hasnt learned how to talk,对于一个还不会说话的人来说 you are really loud.你真是太吵了 Oh, Come, Saoirsel别吵啦西尔莎 Why dont you go down there 为什么你到下而去 -and play with some rocks, or something?玩会儿石头或者其他的 Hey, Cu, Im drawing the Great Seanachai.嗨!小库我正在画 Great Seanachai He has loads of hair, like you.他的尖发特别多就像你一样 Ugh.唉 Dad said Im in charge 爸爸说让我说了 算 and I say theres no going in the water.可我都已经说了不下水 ts dangerous.水里太危险了



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