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河 南 城 建 学 院 设计(论文) 设 计 题 目: 蚌埠市给水排水管道工程设计 系 别: 市政与环境工程学院 专 业: 给水排水工程 班 级 学 号: 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 谭 2013 年12 月 25 日 前言 课程设计是学习计划的一个重要的实践性学习环节,是对前期所学基础理论、基本技能及专业知识的综合应用。通过课程设计调动了我们学习的积极性和主动性,培养我们分析和解决实际问题的能力,为我们走向实际工作岗位,走向社会打下良好的基础。 通过毕业设计使我们具备调查研究、文献检索、综合分析及总体规划设计和细部深入设计的能力,对学科发展新动向有所了解,并在设计过程中,提高图纸表达能力,熟练掌握工具书的应用,计算机的使用,并能进行外语翻译,从而使我们具备独立工作和进行工程设计的能力。 本设计为平顶山市给排水管道工程设计。整个设计包括三大部分:给水管道设计、污水管道设计和雨水管道设计。给水管道的设计主要包括管网的布置及选址、流量的设计计算、清水池容积的确定、管网的水力计算、管网平差和消防校核。排水体制确定为截流式合流制,污水和雨水共用一条管道。主要包括排水体制的确定、设计流量计算和设计水力计算。 Foreword Curriculum design is the learning plan is an important practice link of learning, is the early studies the basic theory, basic skills and expertise of the integrated application. Through courses designed to mobilize our learning enthusiasm and initiative, to cultivate our ability of analyzing and solving practical problems, as we move toward actual work, to society to lay a good foundation. Through the graduation design so that we have investigation and study, literature retrieval, analysis and design of overall planning and detailed insight into the ability to design, to understand the subject new development trend, and in the design process, improve the drawing skills, master the tools on the application, the use of the computer, and can carry on the foreign language translation, so we work independently and engineering design ability. The design for the Pingdingshan city water supply and drainage pipeline engineering design. The design includes three parts: water supply pipeline design, sewage pipeline design and rainwater pipeline design. Water supply pipeline design mainly includes the design of pipe network layout and site selection, design and calculation of the flow, clear water tank volume determination, hydraulic calculation, pipe network adjustment and fire check.


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