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毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 课题名称 乐购在线书城系统 院 系 计算机与软件学院 专 业 冰斌女装 班 级 冰斌女装 学 号 冰斌女装 学生姓名 冰斌女装 指导教师: 天马 2012 年 5月 20日 计算机与软件学院 毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺 我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《乐购在线书城系统》,系本人独自完成,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释与说明,若有不实,后果本人承担。 承诺人(签名):天马 2012年 6月 5 日 摘 要 书店网站系统的设计与实现是电子商务经营管理中的核心环节,也是一个电商企业能否取得最佳经济效益的关键。如果电商企业能做到合理进货、及时销售、库存量最小、减少积压,就能取得最佳的效益。在传统手工管理条件下,销售人员很难对客户做出正确的供货承诺,同时企业的生产部门也缺少一份准确的生产计划,使得目前的生产状况和市场需求很难正确反映到生产中去。显然在网络经济的时代背景下,进行有效的书店网站管理已经成为中小企业存身立业的头等要事。 本系统由前台购书系统和后台管理两方面组成。前台购书主要有图书浏览、注册会员、购物车、订单的生成,后台管理主要有图书管理、订单处理、会员管理。整个系统从符合操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用、安全的要求出发,完成的全过程,包括的Abstract Bookstore System Design and Implementation of e-commerce in the management of core areas, but also an electric commercial enterprises the ability to obtain the best value for money key. Electric and commercial enterprises can purchase a reasonable and timely sales and inventory levels to reduce the backlog will be able to obtain the best efficiency. Traditional manual management conditions, the sales staff is difficult to make the right supplier commitment to customers, at the same time the production sector is the lack of an accurate production planning, the current production conditions and market demand is difficult to accurately reflect the production to go. Obviously in the context of the times of the network economy, the Bookstore management has become the SMEs to take shelter Founding of the highest order. The system consists of two front textbook systems and back office management. Front textbook books browse Register shopping cart, order generation, background management of library management, order processing, membership management. The entire system from starting in line with the simple and friendly interface, flexible, practical and safety requirements, to complete the whole process of the bookstore to buy and sell, including the administrator of the increase in books and membership information, modify, or delete operation. Bookstore significance to talk about, focus


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