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北京外国语大学 毕 业 论 文 题 目:90后自尊程度与择业激励因素偏好的相关性研究 系 别: 国际商学院 专 业: 工商管理 姓 名: xxx 攻 读 学 位:管理学学士 导 师: xxx 定稿日期:2014年5月14日 The Correlation Research of Self-esteem and Motivation Factors Preference on the 90th Generation when choosing career Dissertation Submitted to Beijing Foreign Studies University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.A. in ManagementBy xxx (Management)Dissertation Supervisor:Ph.D. xxxMay,2014  -  PAGE III - 摘要 随着“90后”一代进入职场,成为企业员工的重要组成部分,因其成长背景、个性特征等方面差异明显,出现了与以往传统员工不同的管理问题。管理学主要研究其在性格方面的特质对企业管理和对员工激励方面的影响。 在以往研究中,从90后整体出发研究其余传统员工的不同特点和不同偏好及其不同的激励偏好。本研究假设90后群体中的自尊程度存在差异性,且自尊程度的差异对其激励因素的偏好产生影响,可能的激励因素有企业因素、工作本身、薪酬、人际关系、领导因素和个人生活质量7个方面。每方面除了从整体出发研究激励偏好,并设3个细分点,从不同角度完善研究。 在此研究中,共搜集了106个有效样本,样本主要来自北京外国语大学的应届毕业生。通过Excel和SPSS,分析了各个因素描述性统计特征,及相关性。数据显示,这批样本中最受重视的5个激励因素(依照评分均值)依次为:个人发展机会4.38、职位晋升机会4.28、工作本身4.27、个人生活质量4.24和工作环境4.24。但本次研究中自尊程度和企业因素、工作本身、薪酬、人际关系、领导因素和个人生活质量7个大因素,及其总计21个细分点,并没有显著的相关性。 关键词:90后;自尊程度;激励因素 Abstract As the after 90 s generation gradually getting into the workplace, become an important part of enterprise employees, the management of this special group began to attract more attention. Because of its different background compared with the previous generations, the respects like personality characteristics have significant differences. In management research, the influence of employees’ characteristics to enterprise management and the motivation factor preference draws attention. In the management research of the past, it is always took the entire after 90’s as the general research object, compare with the study of the traditional employees in terms of different characteristics and different preferences and different motivation factor preference. In this paper, it is assumed that the difference of self-esteem exists in this special group, which affects its motivation factor preference. Possible motivators have enterprise factors, salary, interpersonal


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