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联合利华商业道德规范 联合利华(中国) 2003 什么是联合利华商业道德准则 在报事贴上列出提纲 (15 分钟): 你认为联合利华(中国)哪方面的声誉最易于遭到非议。 你认为联合利华(中国)商业运作过程中最难保持一致性的方面有哪些。 与你的同事分享你的想法 (5 分钟), 并选派一名代表总结你们的讨论结果。 “即使在很边远的地方发生的一间小事也有可能造成全球性的影响。如果你认为个人对于联合利华的声誉影响甚微,那么你错了。每一个人都很重要” – Antony Burgmans “业务上获得成功的确能让你非常兴奋,但是按照一套标准行事却能让你每日坦然入眠!” - Niall FitzGerald 对商业道德准则的关注 总结性练习 在报事贴上列出提纲 (15 分钟): 你认为联合利华(中国)哪方面的声誉最易于遭到非议。 你认为联合利华(中国)商业运作过程中最难保持一致性的方面有哪些。 与你的同事分享你的想法 (5 分钟), 并选派一名代表总结你们的讨论结果。 与我们的员工和商业伙伴进行沟通。 设立标准并树立榜样。 请小心留意,如果你发现问题,请及时采取措施以保护公司! 行动计划 现在,赶快把这个信息传递给你身边的同事吧! Speaker Notes (1 MINUTE) The way we behave as individuals forms the basis for good corporate behaviour. Honesty, integrity and openness should run through our operations, whether large scale or small, like the DNA of the business. In some of the countries in which we operate, human rights violations within some companies may be a significant issue of concern. In these cases our continued presence, whilst maintaining the highest standards of behaviour towards our own employees, may often be the best contribution we can make to local welfare. Speaker Notes (1 MINUTE) Corporate responsibility ultimately depends on how we behave as individuals. The base line for this behaviour includes: our general standard of conduct; obeying the law; open and honest business transactions; and avoidance of conflict between our personal interests and company responsibilities. We describe these four principles as the Foundation of Trust. 10.15 Speaker Notes (1 MINUTE) Obeying the law is the most basic requirement of Unilever employees, and every effort must be made to ensure that the relevant laws and regulations are made clear to all employees. Where the exact interpretation of the law is in question, professional legal advice should always be sought. The most difficult circumstances to deal with are when the common practice within a country does not match the strict interpretation of the law as written (“the letter of the law”) as in th


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