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2017年6月大学英语六级阅读理解精炼50篇04: 鞠躬的艺术(含答案)  英语六级阅读理解精炼第04篇,练习关于手势 鞠躬的艺术,含有六级阅读练习题,参考译文,答案等内容。供正在准备英语六级考试的学习者参考学习。0?4. the ar t of bowingthe degree to which a bowing or lowering of the body is emphasized varies from one?culture to another . in many cultures today the full bow or other dramatic lowering of the?body is generally reserved for formal occasions such as greeting a head of state or monarch.?for example, british commoners standing before the queen or being honored by?royalty in a ceremony of knighthood would be expected to bow, curtsey, or kneel. as?part of their religious practices some christians kneel, catholics genuflect, and muslims?kowtow3 , an extreme form of body lowering in which the forehead is brought to the?ground. although bowing, as a worldwide phenomenon, has been on the decrease in recent?decades, it has survived in german culture and exists to an even greater degree in?modern japan, where bows are an integral part of everyday social interaction . in the?united states, however, bowing or any type of submissive body posture is particularly irritating,?for it tends to connote undue formality, aristocracy, and a nonverbal denial of?egalitarianism.?nowhere is bowing more important to the process of communication today than in?japanese society. as an indication of how pervasive bowing is in present-day japan, some?experts point out that“ some female department store employees have the sole function of?bowing to customers at department store escalators and that many japanese bow repeatedly?to invisible partners at the other end of a telephone line”. bowing initiates interaction between?two japanese , it enhances and embellishes many parts of the ensuing conversation,?and it is used to signal the end of a conversation. although westerners, in a very generalsense, understand the meaning attached to bowing, appropriate bowing in japan is an intricate?and complex process. reciprocal bowing is determined largely by rank. in fact, it?is possible to tell the re


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