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本科毕业设计(论文) 小型企业人才招聘的问题及对策 学 院____ 经济管理学院____ 专 业____ 工商管理___ ___ 年级班别____ _ _____ 学 号 学生姓名_____ _ ___ ____ 指导教师___ __ ____ ___ 2007年 6月 摘 要 企业之间的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争。能否招聘并选拔出合适的员工使得企业拥有富于竞争力的人力资本是一个企业兴衰的关键。而我国小型企业的人力资源管理还处在探索和起步阶段,存在着许多严重的问题,已经成为制约小型企业健康、长远发展的瓶颈,阻碍了小型企业的前进步伐。 招聘作为人力资源管理的一个重要职能,有着不容忽视的地位和作用。招聘是人力资源管理活动的基础和关键环节之一。一个组织要想得到生存和发展,必须选拔合格的人员担任相应的工作,只有员工与工作、个人与组织相互配合,才能保证组织目标的实现。因此,进行小型企业人才招聘对策研究迫在眉睫、势在必行。 本文在招聘管理理论的指导下,结合我国企业的实际情况,与国外进行比较,分析了我国小型企业招聘管理的现状,进而分析了原因并提出相关对策。结合对某小型企业的招聘选拔工作进行了剖析,应用各种分析方法对人员招聘进行了定量分析,并对人员选拔进行了定性分析,提供了一整套人力资源招聘选拔的实用模型,为企业选人、用人方面提供了一些科学理论和操作方法。 关键词:小型企业,招聘管理,人力资源管理 Abstract The competition among enterprises is the competition among persons with ability in the final analysis. It is key for enterprises success to recruit and select qualified employees, which will make the enterprise predominant in competition. Chinas small enterprises and human resources management and is still in the initial stage of exploration, there are many serious problems, has become constrained small businesses healthy, long-term development of the bottleneck that hinders the pace of development of SMEs. As a human resources management an important function, recruitment should not be overlooked is the status and role. Recruitment is a human resources management activities of the foundation and one of the key links. An organization wants to survive and grow, and selection of qualified personnel as the corresponding work, only work with the staff, Personal interaction with the organization can guarantee the realization of organizational goals. Thus, small business recruitment countermeasures imminent and inevitable. Based on the recruitment of management theory, under the guidance of Chinese enterprises with the actual situation in comparison with other countries, Analysis of Chinas small enterprises to recruit management of the status quo, then analyzed the causes and proposed countermeasures. Limited combination of the rec



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