2948.A XXX公司薪酬管理 本科毕业设计.doc

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2948.A XXX公司薪酬管理 本科毕业设计

本科毕业设计(论文) XXX公司的薪酬管理 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日 摘 要 薪酬管理在企业经营中起着发展不可忽视的作用。企业薪资管理工作的基本目的是最大限度地调动员工的工作积极性,为企业创造经营效益。企业和员工之间的基本关系是劳动聘用关系,通过岗位职责的履行和劳动工资的支付来实现。职位是员工的工作表现或者业绩评估的基础,实际上工资标准的制定和工资结构都是围绕着职位来展开的。 企业要做到员工之间的工资平衡就要有一个很好的工资结构。而合理的工资结构应该是公平的结构,能够做到相对公平。这种结构要覆盖所有的员工,不能只解决某些人或者几个职位的问题,只有这样才不会碰到或者尽可能地减少各种各样的矛盾。 员工总体报酬在企业的薪资管理中非常重要。目前国内的企业除了支付给员工日常工资外,大概还有日常工资的50%是花在员工身上的各种福利费用,比如说交通、伙食补贴、住房福利等。但是如果员工感觉不到这些,就肯定不会起到积极作用。做薪资管理工作就要把这些员工感觉不到的福利变成一种真正激励员工的薪资。企业花在员工身上的每一分钱,都要让员工感觉到是对员工的回报,这样才能起到对员工的激励作用。这是做薪资管理工作的一个目的。 关键词:企业经营,薪酬问题,报酬 Abstract The salary management in business development plays a significant role. The basic purpose of enterprise salary management is to mobilize to the maximum staff enthusiasm for work, created operating efficiency for the enterprises. The basic relation of business enterprise and employee is to labor an employment relation, implementing and laboring wages to pay to carry out through a post job. The post is the employees work performance or accomplishment valuation of foundation, actually wages standard of all of establishment and wages structures are around post to launch. Business enterprises needing to attain the wages balance of the employees will have a good wages structure. But the reasonable wages structure should be a fair structure, can attain opposite equity. This kind of structure wants to overlay all employees, cant the problem which resolve some persons perhaps a few posts, only have so just will not run into perhaps reduce the antinomy of various each kind possibly. Staff remuneration in the overall enterprise management of the salary is very important. Currently local business enterprise in addition to paying to the employees daily wages, probably still have 50% of daily wages is a flower various welfare expenses say transportation, the meals subsidy, housing welfare...etc. for example on employees bod



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