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850kW风力发电供配电系统的研究与设计 摘 要 风力发电是一种可再生的清洁能源,也是新能源发电技术中最成熟和最具规模开发条件的发电方式之一,在远期有可能成为世界重要的替代能源。大规模的风电接入电网后可能会出现电网电压动,等一系列问题。随着风电比例的提高,分析风电的特点和其对电网电能质量的影响,研究如何减少其对电网的影响,提高风电接入电网后的电能质量,成为风电的重要研究方向。交—直—交850KW Wind Power Distribution System for Research and Design ABSTRACT Wind power is a renewable clean energy, and is the most mature and the largest developed conditions of the power generation in new energy power generation technology .In a long-term it may become an important alternative sources of energy in the world. Access to large-scale wind power grid may occur after the voltage fluctuations, harmonic pollution, the system capacity increase short-circuit and transient stability of system changes in a range of issues. Thus, with a higher proportion of wind power, analyze the characteristics of wind power and its impact on power quality grid to study how to reduce their impact on the power grid and improve grid access to wind power after the power quality, wind power has become an important research direction. This article has designed a variable speed constant frequency wind-based control system from the safe, reliable point of view. The system uses a synchronous generator, through the AC—DC—AC will be issued variable frequency power into constant frequency electricity into the grid. KEY WORDS:Wind power generation, variable speed constant frequency, synchronous generator, connect to grid 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪 论 1 1.1 风力发电概况 1 1.2 风力发电的基本原理 2 1.3 我国风力发电的现状 3 1.4 选题背景 4 2 风力发电概述 5 2.1 风力发电系统的主要设备 5 2.1.1 风力发电系统的风力机 5 2.1.2 风力发电系统中的同步发电机 5 2.1.3 风力发电系统的偏航装置 6 2.2 风力发电系统的运行控制和安全保护装置 7 2.2.1 控制和安全保护装置的控制要求 8 2.2.2 控制和安全保护装置的保护功能 9 2.3 风力发电机组的并网控制 9 2.3.1 恒速恒频风电机组控制 10 2.3.2 变速恒频风电机组控制 10 2.3.3 并网运行中大、小发电机的切换控制 11 3 同步发电机和逆变器 13 3.1 同步发电机[10] 13 3.1.1 同步发电机的基本结构 13 3.1.2 同步发电机的工作原理 13 3.1.3 同步发电机的功率特性 14 3.1.4 同步发电机励磁系统简介 17 3.2 同步发电机的并网运行 18 3.2.1 并网运行的优势 18 3.2.2 同步发电机的并网方式 19 3.3 逆变器 20 3.1.1 逆变电路的基本工作原理 20 3.1.2 电压型逆变电路的特点 21 3.1.3 三相电压型逆变电路原理 21 3.1.4 三相桥式PWM型逆变电路



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