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CB-B100齿轮泵的设计与三维建模学生姓名:指导教师:摘 要: CB-B型齿轮泵具有结构简单、体积紧凑、工艺性好、价格低、自吸能力强、对工作环境要求不高等诸多优点。在液体输送、增压等方面得到广泛应用。当齿轮脱离啮合时候吸油腔容积增大,油液在压力作用下进入吸油腔,并随齿轮的转动带入到压油腔,当齿轮进入啮合时,将油液压出。但齿轮泵也存在着流量脉动大、噪声大、困油现象等问题,尤其是随着较大流量泵的出现使这些问题更显突出,制约着齿轮泵向更大流量的发展。本次设计中采用卸荷槽来解决困油现象、闭死容积的问题;提高轴和齿轮的精度来降低机械噪声。本次设计中首先是要确定齿轮齿数和模数,其次确定轴和轴系部件结构及外壳尺寸,然后通过Solidworks软件分别建模,最后进行整体装配以便对CB-B100齿轮泵虚拟样机模型进行进一步的分析。Solidworks是一款功能强大的三维设计软件,具有强大的参数化建模功能,该软件有良好的关联性,体现了设计的整体相关性。若修改一些草图的尺寸或者位置,都可以很方便的反映在三维模型和二维工程图中,同时大大缩短了设计周期,提高了设计工作效率。关键词:齿轮泵 Solidworks三维建模参数化造型The Design and Three-dimensional Modeling ofthe Gear Pump CB-B100Author’sName:ZhangZhiTutor: Yan ShilinABSTRACT: CB-Bgear pump has thesimplestructure,compact,goodtechnology,lowprice,strong self-absorption capacity,less demanding workenvironment and many other advantages.Widely used in liquid transport, pressure,etc.When the gear is disengaged and the suction chamber volume increases, the oil into the suction chamber under pressure, and with the rotation of the gear is brought into pressure oil chamber,when the gear into engagement, the hydraulic oil.But there are also gear pump flow ripple,noise,oil phenomena and other issues,especially with the larger flow pump makes these issues more prominent,which restricts development to a greater flow of the gear pump.The design used in the unloading slots to resolve thephenomenon of trapped oil, closed dead volume problems; improve design precision shafts and gears to reduce mechanical noise.The first is to determine the design of the gear teeth and modulus, and secondly to determine the structure of the shaft and the shaft member and the shell size, and then separately by Solidworks modeling software, and finally to the whole assembly of the gear pump CB-B100 virtual prototype model for further analysis.Solidworks is a powerful 3D design software with powerful parametric modeling features, the software has a good correlation reflects the design of the overall correlation. If you modify some sketches of size or location,


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