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Physiology of Penile Erection and Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction xuchx0610 Abstract The molecular and clinical understanding of erectile function continues to gain ground at a particularly fast rate. The understanding of the nitric oxide (一氧化氮) pathway has aided not only in the molecular understanding of the tumescence (肿胀,肿大) but also aided greatly in the therapy of erectile dysfunction. anatomical, molecular, and dynamic knowledge base of erectile function and dysfunction TOPIC Hemodynamics(血流动力学) and Mechanism of Erection and Detumescence(退肿,消肿) ? Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Penile Erection? Molecular Mechanism of Smooth Muscle Contraction and Relaxation? Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction?/Classification of Male Erectile Dysfunction CHAPTER 1 Hemodynamics and Mechanism of Erection and Detumescence penile erectile tissue :cavernous (多孔的,海绵状的) smooth musculature (肌组织,肌肉系统) and the smooth muscles of the arteriolar (小动脉的) and arterial (动脉的) walls In the flaccid (软弱的,软垂的,柔弱的) state, these smooth muscles are tonically (紧张的,强直的) contracted, allowing only a small amount of arterial flow for nutritional purposes Sexual stimulation triggers release of neurotransmitters (神经递质) from the cavernous (多孔的,海绵状的) nerve terminals Hemodynamics and Mechanism of Erection and Detumescence This results in relaxation of these smooth muscles and the following events: 1、 Dilatation (膨胀度) of the arterioles (小动脉) and arteries by increased blood flow 2、 Trapping (诱捕,吸收,抑制) of the incoming blood by the expanding sinusoids (窦状的) ; 3、 Compression of the subtunical(螺旋的) venular (小静脉) plexuses (丛) , reducing the venous outflow (静脉回流) ; 4、 Stretching伸直; 伸长 of the tunica (被膜) to its capacity , occludes (堵塞, 封闭) the emissary veins (导静脉) ; 5、 An increase in PO2 and intracavernous (海绵窦内的) pressure ; 6、 A further pressure increase with contraction of the ischiocavernosus (坐骨海绵体肌) muscles (rigid-erection phase) three phases of detumescence(退肿,消肿) firs


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