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* .Ⅲ. NOMAL ECG J point ST Segment T Wave Q-T Interval U Wave IV. The Abnormal ECG Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy (一)atrial enlargment Left atrial enlargement Right atrial enlargement: Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy (一) left Ventricular enlargment QRS voltage: ① R in V5,62.5mV, ② RV5+SV13.5 or 4.0mV, ③ RI1.5mV, R in aVL1.2mV, aVF2.0mV, S in V1 ?2.4mV, ④ RI+SIII?2.5mV. left axis deviation QRS duration0.09ms. ST segment and T wave left Ventricular enlargment Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy (二) Right Ventricular enlargment ①V1 lead R/S1, V5 lead R/S1, ②Rv1+Sv5 1.05mV. ③right axis deviation+90°. ④ST-T change Right Ventricular enlargment Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy (三) Biventricular enlargement Approximately normal ECG. Left or Right Ventricular Hypertrophy ECG Biventricular Hypertrophy ECG Biventricular enlargement V. Ischemia and ST-T Segment Forms: (1) Ischemia: a.subendocardial ischemia b.subepicardial ischemia (2) Injury. clinical significance differential diagnosis Ischemia and ST-T Segment Ischemia and ST-T Segment Ischemia and ST-T Segment Ischemia and ST-T Segment VI. Myocardial Infarction (一)Forms and mechanism 1 ) ischemia 2 ) infury 3 )infarction VI. Myocardial Infarction VI. Myocardial Infarction VI. Myocardial Infarction VI. Myocardial Infarction (二)Evolution of the infarction and duration the ECG 1 ) initial phase 2 ) acute phase 3 ) subacute phase 4 ) recovery phase Myocardial Infarction VI. Myocardial Infarction The ECG and location of infarction Myocardial Infarction Myocardial Infarction Nonspesific patterns of infarction non-Q wave myocardial infarction infarction complicated with other diseases differential diagnosis ELECTROCARDIOGRAM The Standard 12-lead Electrocardiogram How to measure each wave: amplitude duration 25mm/s ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ECG records the changing potential of the field imparted by the heart. ECG dose not record directly the electrical activi


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