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山东理工大学 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 学 院: 专 业: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 毕业设计(论文)时间:二ОО 六年 月 日~ 月 日 共 周 摘 要 设计一个十字路口两道路的交通灯控制器,两道路交替通行,每次通行时间可设定20秒。该十字路口交通灯控制电路能使南北、东西各四个灯(红、黄、绿、左转),四个灯能够按顺序依次亮灭。而且要求绿灯亮转红灯亮或者转左转灯亮之前要先转黄灯亮5秒,左转灯亮转红灯亮之前也要先转黄灯亮5秒,红灯亮可以直接转绿灯或左转灯亮,四种灯的点亮时间能够以倒计时的形式显示出来。 关键词:交通灯 左转 倒计时 Abstract Electronic excited state is one of the common forms in which atoms, molecules and ions exist in the nature. Study on the characters and dynamics behaviors of the molecular excited states, such as energy levels, lifetimes, predissociation and auto-ionization, as well as on their electronic structures, is not only a significant topic related to chemical reactions and chemical dynamics, but also one of the frontiers in the field of atomic and molecular physics. In present dissertation, experimental studies of the predissociated Rydberg states of CaCl by using the resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and ion-dip detection spectroscopy were carried out. Five core-penetrating Rydberg states of CaCl in the intermediate effective principle quantum number region, n*=5~7, were observed for the first time. Theoretical analysis confirmed the predissociation mechanism which supposed these Rydberg states were led by an interaction with a 2(+ continuum state. A potential energy curve of this 2(+ continuum state in the energy region of 45000~47500cm-1 was fitted based on the observed predissociation linewidths. Some Rydberg levels with anomalously small rotational constants were also observed. They might be the fragments of the core-nonpenetrating Rydberg states. All these results provide rich information for understanding the mechanism of dissociation of molecules with highly polar core and some correlative dynamical processes. Systematical investigation on the high-lying triplet gerade states of Na2 by using the perturbation facilitated optic


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