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摘 要 为了克服卫星信号盲区GPS定位间断或失效以及航位推算(DR)定位误差随时间积累等缺陷,通过分析各种车辆组合导航定位系统方案,设计了一种基于Kalman滤波的惯性组合导航系统。 惯性导航系统(INS)可连续提供信息,短时间精度高,但是定位误差随时间积累。GPS 系统长期稳定性好,但易受到干扰,数据更新频率低。由于 MEMS 器件本身的缺点,应用其作为惯性测量器件的惯导系统需有 GPS 辅助。INS 和 GPS 构成的组合导航系统,它包括一个由多轴陀螺仪和一个加速度计组成的惯性导航系统(INS)并集成了GPS接收机。惯性导航系统的误差是通过一个组合INS/GPS卡尔曼滤波器(KF)来估计,该滤波器是基于位置、速度、航向的动态误差模型以及陀螺仪和加速度计的随机误差模型。卡尔曼滤波器(KF)模块可单独提供定位信息以防GPS失效。 本文介绍了 GPS 和 INS 的基本原理和组成,建立了组合导航系统误差模型,推导了惯性导航系统误差方程,主要研究了 INS/GPS 组合导航中卡尔曼滤波技术的应用问题。以 MATLAB 语言为仿真语言环境对常规卡尔曼滤波、联邦滤波进行了研究和仿真分析。通过各种不同时间长度下由GPS接收机、车辆加速度计芯片、多轴陀螺仪采集到道路的测试数据来进行的大量GPS失效仿真实验验证了该系统拥有较高的导航精度,具有一定的应用价值。 关键词:组合导航;GPS;航位推算(DR);惯性导航系统(INS);卡尔曼滤波;嵌入式系统 Abstract In order to overcome shortcomings such as disconnection and invalidity of GPS when the signal of satellites is unusable and the accumulation of navigation location calculation errors with time passing, through analysing various schemes of vehicle navigation and location system, inertial integrated navigation system of INS/GPS based on embedded system is designed. The inertial navigation system(INS) can provide the information continuously, has superior precision in short time, but position error accumulates with time. The GPS has long-term stability, but is disturbed easily and the data renewal frequency is low. As a result of MEMS component shortcoming, the inertial navigation system with MEMS component needs assistance from GPS. INS/GPS integrated navigation system involves a INS consisting of a multiple-axis gyroscope and an accelerometer integrated with GPS receiver. INS errors are estimated by an integrated INS/GPS Kalman filter (KF) which relies on a dynamic error modelof position, velocity and heading as well as stochastic models for gyroscope and accelerometer errors. In case of a GPS outage, the designed KF module provides positioning information. This dissertation introduces basic principle and composition of GPS and INS, infers the system error equations, gets the error mode, studies application of kalman filtering in the INS/



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