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【摘 要】该P2P汽车租赁网站系统是由前台用户界面的实现以及后台管理员对汽车出租网站系统的管理这两个模块构成。前台用户界面实现的效果主要是展示汽车租赁网站的信息和功能,而后台用于实现管理员对汽车租赁网站系统的支持和维护。每个模块都可以实现独立的实现对其内容的修改,增加和删除操作,但是各个模块之间又可以彼此相互关联。正是由于各个模块之间既相互关联同时又相互独立性,使得该汽车出租系统可以满足当前的市场需求。按照本系统所需要的功能,在Windows8环境下,使用Tomcat服务器,以MySQL为数据库开发平台,同时采用JSP和Java等技术进行开发的基于Web的B/S架构的汽车出租网站系统。本系统不仅界面友好以外,而且操作简单易学,实现了真正的方便用户。通过大量的测试,结果证明本系统可维护性强,操作简单,基本能够满足用户需求。 【关键词】 P2P汽车租赁网站系统,Windows8,Tomcat,MySQL The Design And Implementation Of Online P2p CarSharing System 【Abstract】The system is made up of two primary parts: the realization of the user interface and the management of the administrators. The first part achieves the network functionality and information, he background is primary about administrators maintaining and supporting.Every part has querying,adding, altering, deleting operations. Because every part of the independent and common relation makes the system are well adapted to the actual market requirements. Thanks to relative independent and validating the identity of the users into the site, the encryption and safety of the system is well. Therefore,it decreases the expenditure time on conversant the system.On the basic of the function requirements, I developed the Online P2P Carsharing System in windows8 environment, using Java and JSP technology, MySQL database and Tomcat web server.The entire network is based on Web B/S structure.For subscribers, the interfaces is friendly.At the same time,operations are easy to learn.Therefore,it decreases the expenditure time on conversant the system.In summary,the system has simple operation and forceful maintainability. 【Keywords】indows8,Tomcat,MySQL 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 项目背景 1 1.2 研究意义 1 1.3 研究现状 1 1.4 本系统概述 2 2 P2P汽车租赁系统分析 3 2.1 系统需求分析 3 2.2 系统可行性分析 4 2.3 业务流程分析 5 3 P2P汽车租赁网站设计 8 3.1 系统物理环境配置 8 3.2 项目规划 8 3.3 系统概要设计 8 3.4 数据库设计 10 3.5 系统详细设计 16 4 P2P汽车租赁网站的实现 21 4.1 系统技术实现 21 4.2 系统首页实现 22 4.3 租车模块实现 22 4.4 注册与登录模块实现 26 4.5 用户中心模块实现 27 4.6 管理员模块的实现 31 5 系统测试 35 5.1 系统测试方法 35


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