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β-CrossLaps与BMD降低成线性关系 预后评估 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Elecsys? b-CrossLaps Serum 6个月后与基线比较的变化幅度 BMD [%] after 2 Years -4 -2 0 2 4 y = -16.695 x - 43.539 R2 = 0.5019 治疗后β-CrossLaps下降45%相应的骨折风险减少7% 实线表示随着β-CrossLaps的下降骨折风险减少 对照组(虚线)也由所下降但只是轻度的下降。对照组的轻度下降是由于病人服用的是维生素D和钙 治疗后β-CrossLaps减少可证实患者骨折风险下降 预后评估 P1NP/β-CrossLaps在骨质疏松中的应用价值 总结 骨转换标志物P1NP/β-CrossLaps可以: 在治疗后三个月即能监测治疗是否有效 帮助鉴别服药依从性差的患者 帮助鉴别对治疗方案无效的患者 预测患者治疗后骨折风险的降低和BMD的改变情况 帮助鉴别骨量丢失的患者 Elecsys? P1NP骨合成标志物 优势 无昼夜节律 与食物摄取无关 骨骼高度特异性 稳定的分子结构 Elecsys?全自动检测 利益 个体差异小 可在任何时间采取血样 不受其他器官组织干扰 可重复性佳 检测可靠,界面友好 ?-CrossLaps受昼夜节律影响而变化 Wichers M, et al.; Clin Chem 1999;45:1858-1860 40个正常人的?-CrossLaps昼夜节律变换 ?-CrossLaps受进食影响而变化 ? ? 不进食组 进食组 取样时间要求和检测间隔时间 取样时间要求 血清:清晨(9点前)空腹 检测间隔时间 再吸收标志物?-CrossLaps :开始治疗前,治疗后3或6个月 骨形成标志物P1NP:开始治疗前,治疗后3或6个月 Thank you for your attention Roche Diagnostics (Shanghai) Limited Shanghai 200031 China This presentation is our intellectual property. Without our written consent, it shall neither be copied in any manner, nor used for manufacturing, nor communicated to third parties. COBAS and LIFE NEEDS ANSWERS are trademarks of Roche * * Die Consensus Conference der SCCM definierte somit 1991 folgerichtig: “Sepsis ist das Vorliegen einer systemisch generalisierten Entzündungsreaktion, ein SIRS, auf dem Boden einer Infektion.” ACCP:美国胸科医师学会,SCCM:危重病医学会 * * Procalcitonin (PCT) is the precursor of Calcitonin. Site of formation is the CALC-1 gene on chromosome 11 of the human genome. After translation from CT-DNA into mRNA the first translation product is Pre-procalcitonin, which then changes by different modification steps into PCT. PCT is a peptid, consisting of 116 amino acids. PCT is enzymatically degraded into lower molecular weight peptides. The final product consists of 32 aminoacids and is named Calcitonin. All precursors including PCT and the mature hormonpeptide can be detected in serum of healthy humans. In septic patients only the 3-116 fragment is detectable, no



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